Say that again

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Jayden's POV
I said no to Case because I was dating Carson I hate to say no to him. After I said no he left. I hope he is okay. I texted Annie
J- Hey Ans I am going to go talk to Case.
A- okay but who are you dating
J- I am dating Carson
A- Oh that makes sense
I went to the apartment
I knocked on the door from the hallway since if it was the connecting door he would know who it is.
There was no answer. I knocked again and I heard a loud bang and someone say "What the hell why did I even ask her I don't deserve her I don't deserve anyone." Alright I am done his door was unlocked so I went in
" Jayden." Case said as if he was surprised
"Case you're lying you deserve me it's just today is not the day I am dating someone you will get a chance I promise and you deserve Annie Hayden Johnny and all them." I said
"Thanks Jayden will you stay here until they get back." He said
"Of course" I said and he smiled
Meanwhile at the ice cream parlor
Annie's POV
Johnny and Kenzie were acting weird. The sky was starting to get dark but it was only 8 and doesn't get dark till ten I checked the weather it is supposed to rain. Whatever
" Hey ans can I talk to you." Said Johnny
"Of course" I said
" I am breaking up with you I just don't like you anymore" He said Mackenzie laughed
I wanted to cry but I didn't I grabbed my ice cream then Mackenzie tripped me. I got ice cream on my sweat shirt and it was one of Gabe's. Great Mackenzie came down with me and got all of hers on me. I start balling and run out it starts to storm so I cry even harder. Someone is trying to get my attention I stop and see it is Hayden was he going to walk with me to the apartments so his mom could see this. His dads house is closer.
" Do you want to go to my dads house to change into one of my sweat shirts" Hayden said
" Sure but won't Mackenzie get mad." I said but he didn't answer
Hayden's POV
I caught up with Annie and we walked to my dads. He wasn't there. I gave Annie one of my sweatshirts and threw hers in the wash.
" Hayden you didn't have to do that." She said
" I know, but who did this to you?" I asked
" Kenzie and Johnny first Johnny broke up with me then Mackenzie laughed as I grabbed my ice cream she tripped me and I got my ice cream on me and she got her ice cream on me but somehow nothing on her." Annie said
Mackenzie was face timing me I picked up
" Hey babe where are you?" She said
"I am at my dads house why" I said
" oh please tell me you aren't with that bitch Annie" Kenzie said I got so mad
" Actually Kenzie I am and you know what I don't care what you did to her was wrong I don't want to talk to you again I am breaking up with you" I said
She hung up
I looked at Annie
" do you want to stay here" I asked
"Yes" she said
Annie's POV
I am staying at Hayden's house
I texted The family group chat A- hey do you care if I stay at Hayden's house he just broke up with Kenzie and yeah.
P- idc
M(mommy)- don't care be home by ten tomorrow morning
Hayley-why Annie wait can I come
I FaceTime Hayley
" hey Hayley" I said
"Hey ans can I pleeeeaase come over"
I looked at Hayden and he nodded
"If Paige will bring you you can," I said
She looked at Paige and got super excited then hung up
" No flirting tonight mister" I said
He rolled his eyes and started to tickle me when oh shit Mackenzie
" what about us babe your going with that shitty slut instead of me" she said
"I don't know who the fuck babe is but it ain't me and your more of the shitty slut then Annie now we have company coming uh buh bye" Hayden said and she walked out as Hayley walked in
" hey Hayley" I said
" hey ans hey Hayden" she said
"Let's go downstairs" Hayden said and led the way
I was getting so many text in the group chat I just said I am fine and in Hayden's dads house watching a movie with him and Hayley. I look up and I see that Hayley has her head in Hayden's lap awe he will be such a great dad l. I got a text from an unknown number
U- hey Annie its Lauren look I am so so sorry for Kenzie and johnnys actions I told Kenzie to go leave and apologize did she?
A-um yeah she did come over here but she actually said what about us babe you're going to to go with that shitty slut instead of me and yeah
L- holy hell I am going to kill her thanks again Annie for forgiving me
I set my phone down and put my head on Hayden's shoulder and drifted off.
I was awoken bye crying not to long after I opened my eyes and saw Hayley crying while she was sitting in Hayden's lap with a blanket wrapped around her
"What's wrong Hayley" I said
" I (sob) had a (sob) bad (sob) dream" she said
" okay was it about Gabe?" I said she calmed down before answering
" No it was about Hayden he had gotten shot and a few weeks later we found out who it was it was Mackenzie." She said and started to cry but Hayden rocked her
"Okay it's going to be okay alright nothing's going to happen" I said
"Look Hayley I am right here I am not dead." Hayden said
Hayley laughed
" okay let's go back to bed now" I said Hayden kissed Hayley's forehead and then mine I layers my head down and fell asleep.
Hayden's POV
I kissed Annie on the fore head felt something.

Annie and Hayden thinking at the same time
I am in love
Holy Jesus God almost 1100 words I took out the chapter of me because I don't want to be in there but if you do comment bye guys love you 👍 haha

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