Rollercoaster- Here We Go Again. Sasuke Love Story.

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Four months ago, my life was perfect; I had everything going for me. I still do, but life is no longer perfect. My path was straight and the way to my future as the CEO of the Uchiha Corp. hospital was clear, I was the desire of every female that laid eyes on me, I was the envy of every man and boy- all of this remains true, but four months ago, I had her.
We met about a year ago at the Uchiha Corp. gala, a grand party held for those looking at internships with the company. It allows my father and brother to meet  college and university students and get contact information for potential interviews. It was my first gala and my father and Itachi were introducing me to attending department heads and business associates. I knew most, as I had started dealing with company affairs when I turned eighteen two years ago, but there was one man I recognized but was unfamiliar with.
"Ah! Mr.Orochimaru, how are you?" This man was tall and pale with long black hair in a ponytail and gold snake eyes. The name he bore suited him perfectly. He smiled and greeted my father and brother with a handshake and looked even more like a serpent. "This is my youngest son Sasuke.   When he graduates from medical school he will become the head of the Uchiha Hospital. You and him will be doing a lot of business together in the future." The snake eyes swung to me and I didn't blink when I smiled and offered my hand to shake his.
"Mr. Orochimaru." He returned my smile and shook my hand firmly.
"A pleasure." The sound was soft, but I could hear a slight hiss to his words. I almost expected to see him morph into a snake, an anaconda or such.
"We heard you were bringing a guest with you this evening." I frowned and glanced at my brother; there was no one in his company besides us.
"Yes, my daughter. She expressed a desire to join your company." Odd; this man has his own business, why not head it up after him? "She has no interest in medical technology, she is much more intrigued by the doctor side of things. My younger daughter wishes to succeed me." Interesting; in my experience the younger child got the freedom to do as they chose- that was how it was for me; I wanted to work in the company, but I also wanted to do something in the medical field. So since I was five years of age, my father has been developing the hospital and helping me reach my goal. For Itachi it was always certain that he would take over the company.
Luck would have it that that was what my brother wanted.
"And where is your daughter? We'd be delighted to meet her." My brother smiled charmingly. Itachi's charisma suited him, but it also helps with the ladies. It was no secret or surprise to anyone that Uchiha men were flirts.
"His daughter is currently behind him, blocked from joining the conversation because of the parental urge to be overprotective; especially where his daughter and overly charming men- Uchiha or not- are concerned." A girl my age nudged past a disgruntled Mr. Orochimaru and smiled, tilting a glass of champagne. In heels she was a few inches shorter than me and incredibly attractive. She was thin and curvy; elegant in body shape. She was pale as well and had sleek jet black hair, of what length I was unsure. She didn't resemble a snake as much as her father, but serpent was highly evident in her bright green eyes. She was stunning in a strapless, form-fitting crimson dress that ended just before her knees and showed off her great calves. The strappy black heels certainly added to her incredible sex appeal.
I blinked and found her introducing herself. "Spyder." She offered her hand out to my father and brother, and when offered to me, I smirked a little.
"No last name?" Her lost lips curved up and partied enough for me to see the sharp points of her canines. They were slightly elongated, almost like fangs.
"Debatable." I smirked a little more and kissed her hand. I barely dodged a flick aimed at my nose. She smiled at me when I looked up at her. I noticed that the snake came out more when she smiled. "Careful; snakes bite."
"I'll bear that in mind." The flirting was evident, much to the amusement of my father, the disapproval of hers, and the disappointment of my brother.
"So, Spyder,  we hear that you are interested in medicine. Which field in particular?" Itachi smiled and claimed her attention, but there was a visible shift in her demeanor.
"Psychiatry. The human mind is incredible and behavior astounding."
"So may I make the assumption that you study psychology?" She nodded and sipped her champagne; she was polite and very distinctly in business mode with Itachi. "Have you learned how to psychoanalyze yet?" She quirked an eyebrow and shook her head.
"Not professionally. It takes four years of training. I only have internet information." Her tone suggested that Itachi should have been aware of that, and I could tell by his expression that he was mentally kicking himself. I was tempted to physically kick him for my own amusement. "You aren't in charge of the medical front, are you?" Mr.Orochimaru looked like he was ready to die of embarrassment because of her brashness. I, on the other hand, was quite enjoying it- if only at the expense of my brother's composure.
"No, Itachi's knowledge on the medical frontier is embarrassingly basic. Medicine is my forte." I got a dirty look from Itachi for my two crimes, insulting him and stealing back Spyder's attention, but Spyder's smile was dazzling.
"Yes, I do believe I have seen you in my pre- med class." I didn't recall her face, but that could be because when I was at the front of the room when she was at the back or vice versa. There was also the possibility of her being more observant than I, though I found that a little hard to believe. She would eventually prove me wrong.
"Mr.Orochimaru! How nice to see you! Oh! Is this your daughter?" My mother, a little tipsy from the wine, pushed into the circle we'd made and instantly singled out Spyder, grabbing her hands and petting at her. My mother always wanted a daughter.
"Yes, Mikoto, this is my daughter Spyder. Spyder, this is Mikoto Uchiha." My mother was the least stoic of us all, and the only woman in the house.
"You've met my too-charming sons? Of course you know my overly-serious husband Fugaku." Spyder smiled and nodded, most likely finding my mother slightly overbearing.
"Yes, Mrs. Uchiha,  we were introduced just a few minutes ago."
"Good, good! Fugaku, when does the dancing start?  We must have her dance with the boys!" My mother beamed at my father and he looked a little flustered. He knew that she'd had wine, and he knew what happened when she had a little too much.
"Dancing starts at seven, dear, after dinner." My mother didn't like that answer. "Dinner starts in five minutes."
"Well then, Mr Orochimaru, you and Spyder simply must sit with us!" And sit with us they did, if only because my mother was insistent and forced them to. I couldn't complain. This gala is how I met her; how I was introduced to perfection.
"So, Spyder, what other internships are you applying for?" My father got final say in who was accepted, but my job was to create a list of the best for the hospital. It was definite that Spyder would be accepted no matter what. She would even be offered a nice deal to become an intern at Uchiha Corp.
"Hm? Anywhere with a nice big hospital; anything like Uchiha Medical." She smiled, knowing how to flatter my family. It was evident that she was only interested in Uchiha Corp.
"How would the company benefit from accepting your request for an internship?" This was a test my father frequently employed that threw off most people, but it didn't seem to faze her at all. She straightened her back and looked at my father, right in the eye, with unbreakable confidence.
"While I am not seeking an internship until my residency begins in six year's time, having me on staff- being the technical successor to Orochimaru Medic Supplies Inc.- you have a concrete agreement and never have to worry about losing money from having to break contracts and making new deals with a different medical supplies company. Not to mention I am at the top of my classes and have been offered internships by hospitals nearly and or just as prominent as yours. You would be even more enviable with one of the country's top students- next to your sons- and a psychiatry prodigy working for you." Being the daughter of a prominent company owner did her well; she knew exactly how to appear desirable to an employer. She also knew how to capture attention and pique interest. I was definitely curious.

I was the first to ask her to dance, effectively pissing off my brother and triggering her father's urge to be overprotective. I don't think she paid any mind to either of them; I had to smile smugly at Itachi. "I think you have several targets on your back now." She stated with a smile, letting me pull her closer against me.
"One would be killed by my father and the other would end up in prison for first degree murder."
"Are you assuming that neither is brave enough to attempt at murdering you?"
"Your father would take up taxidermy to stuff me and display me as a hunting trophy should I make a wrong step. Itachi knows the company would lose money and that he would shatter our mother's heart."
"Oh, are you the daughter she never had?" I had to smile at that.
"Itachi has better hair for that, so he's the daughter." Her laugh was amazing. Unlike most girls I met she didn't politely giggle and try to sound cute, no, she actually laughed; hard enough to make her shoulders shake.
"I will be sure to remember that."
"Don't tell him I told you; then he really would kill me". She grinned and the snake was completely revealed. Her beauty when smiling was unconventional, but I found it intriguing and soon found myself to be desiring her and her odd snake-like beauty.

Until meeting her, I never believed in true love or any of the romantic things in fairy tales, but in hindsight, I think it's totally accurate to say: when we met, it was love at first sight.

Two months later after chance meetings, talking in class, and dinner invitations, I asked her out on a date. There were several reasons for my asking, including: pissing my brother off, pleasing my mother who wanted a reason to see Spyder more, and to promote a cordial relationship between her family and mine, but the most prominent reason for that is that I was as much in love with her as humanly possible, and I wanted her to be my girlfriend.

After 6 months of dating, she dumped me for the reasons of conceit and being an asshole. The perfection of my life that I had known left with her and I immediately missed the two. Perhaps I will go about this the wrong way, but after four long months I haven't moved on.

I am determined to have her back.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2017 ⏰

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