We Need to Run

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(Pretend she has green eyes)

Sang P.O.V.

I look down at my stomach it's huge. I'm scared in two months I'll have a new born baby and Rocky is getting more and more violent every day.

He went after me with a knife yesterday. He tried to hit my two year old son, Jackson. It was really scaring me for our lives.

Jackson can't even protect himself. I worried he might die. I didn't actually give birth to him but I love him like I did. He doesn't know I'm just his adoptive mom I will tell him when his 8 or so.

I am going to leave if Rocky doesn't stop this soon. An old friend in North Carolina has been telling me I need to grab Jackson and come live with him. I actually have emergency bags in the trunk of my car.

I have to scared to do it though. Gaberiel has been urging me everyday to especially when he found out he tried going after Jackson.

I can't believe I thought ever moving in with this guy would be a good idea. It had sounded good he said I wouldn't have to deal with abuse again ever. 2 years later look where I am. I went from abusive step-mom to an abusive boyfriend who likes to go after my son too.

My stepmother was horrible she poured lemon and vinegar juice down my throat, made me neal on rice, once she tied me a chair in the shower with the water on hot and I was not able to get out for 12 hours nearly. I almost died. I still talk to my half-sister sometimes but that's as much contact as I give to them.

I am sitting there when Rocky comes in. I didn't notice until he threw a glass bottle at the wall near my head. I look over at him he looks extremely pissed.

"You stupid lazy bitch where is it?", he screams and punches a hole in the wall. I'm scared I don't know what he is talking about. "Wh-where i-is what?", I stutter. "Don't lie to me where is the 40 dollars I had in my draw.", he yells at me.

"I I didn't know you even had any money in there.", I told him. This seemed to make him angrier. He yanked me up and smacked me across the face. He shoved back into the wall.  I screamed. "Mommy what's going on?", Jackson said coming into the livingroom rubbing his eyes.

"Go away brat. This is between me and your mother.", Rocky snarled at Jackson. This made me angry Jackson did nothing to deserve that.

"Leave him alone he's only 2.", I yell at him. Rocky growls and sinks his nails so far into sinks I was surprised he didn't draw blood. I yell. "Don't hurt my mommy!!!", my son yells.

He grabs Rocky's leg and tries in vain to pull him away from me. This seem to piss Rocky off. "Get off me you little brat.", Rocky says and kicks him half way across the room. "Jackson!!!", I scream and push Rocky. He falls to the floor he's so intoxicated he passes out.

"Jackson baby our you okay?", I ask him when I get over to him. "Yes Mommy. I don't like Rocky.", he tells me. This has gone to far. We need to run. "Little man go get your bear. Where leaving to go live with an old friend of mine.", I tell him he runs off too go get his bear, No-no.

I grab my phone and dial Gabe's number. He picks up on the third ring. "Hello.", I hear him say on the other end. "Gabe it's Sang he took it to far. Were coming to live with you.", I tell him. I walk back to Jackson's room.

"I knew this would happen. What he do?", he asks me. "Jackson saw Rocky was hurting me and tried to pull him off. It made Rocky angry so he kicked Jackson halfway across the livingroom.", I tell him tears falling from my eyes. "Shit Sang is Jackson okay?", Gabe asks me. "Yes he's grabbing his bear then we're leaving.", I answer him. "Okay when will get here?", Gabe asks me worried. "Sometime tomorrow around noon I guess.", I say to him. He gives an address. "I want you to meet me here.", he tells me.

Jackson comes out with his white and Red bear. "Okay were gonna leave now. Jackson has his bear. Goodbye.", I say and hang up.

Gabe P.O.V.

I was worry about Sang and her kids when she called. Her call mad me angry and excited. She and Jackson were coming to stay with me but Rocky took things way to far.

I was ready to kill him. I had a felling this would happen so I had been fixing up three bedrooms in my house for them. One for sang, one for for Jackson, and one for the baby which would be here in two months. I don't know the gender so I went neutral.

When my brothers from the academy found out I was setting up a nursery the thought I was crazy except Luke who wanted to know who I got pregnant. I kept my mouth shut it was Sang's business. I wasn't about to spill the beans on her.

I was excited I love Sang. I hope she ends up liking me. But the guys are gonna be around alot. She might like on of them instead. Or more then one in the academy it's not uncommon for male teams to all have the same bride.

I actually liked the idea of her being my whole teams wife. But I'm not sure is she would be open to 14 husbands. My team had often talked about sharing and had agreed to do it if we all liked to same woman. I'm sure how they would react to Sang. With her being pregnant and having Jackson.

I knew he was not her biological kid but she loves him just the same. I can't wait to see them tomorrow. I hope my team loves them like I do. I hope Sang accepts us all.

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