Fear, The New Or The Now? PT. 1

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            I ran into the hospital, fear in my head and adrenaline rushes through my veins. I run into the main center of the surgery ward where I see my family. Not friends or family friends, family. That's who these people in my life are, family.

"I got it! I got my letter!" I yell excitedly. 

                They crowd around me and start talking at me rather than to me. I only have my eyes out for my mom and dad though. I see them reach the front of the crowd.

"I can't," I say.

                Sure, I'm a cliche. But this is actually terrifying, If I don't get in then I have to wait another year and it'll be even harder. I hand the envelope to Richard as he seemed like the most reasonable person at this point. Everyone else would scream the answer rather than reading the actual letter.

"Dear Amity Grey-Shepherd, we are pleased to welcome you to -"

             Everyone erupts into cheers. My face probably reads shock more than any emotion. If you had asked me a year ago if I would even end up in college I would have laughed in your face and quietly taken a sip off of whatever alcoholic mix was in my hand or a drag off of a stolen cigarette while I continued to think about how different I am around people that might actually care about me. 

"I-I'm a college student. I did it," I murmur. 

                My mom and dad squeeze me to death. Honestly, how in the world did I get here?


              I wake up to the sound of a scream. I jump up before it occurs to me that I fell asleep on the Peds floor due to how under-staffed it is. I look to see a dad tickling his daughter who was in post-op for arm surgery. I smiled and went to find my mom but instead end up in the attending lounge to clean up a little. After I splash my face with water I open the door of the bathroom to see my mom holding a box.


"Hi, Honey," She smiles, putting her hands behind her back.

"Was that a pregnancy test? Mom, are you..?"

"I'm not sure, I still have to pee on the stick," She laughs at my excited tone, most likely relieved at the fact that I wouldn't be mad if she was pregnant.

                  We wait the required 5 minutes. Mom seemingly anxious and freaked out but joyful in thought, all the same. She picks up the test and looks at me...


               I sit reading a copy of my college acceptance letter in an open patient room. I can't actually believe this. I marvel in awe until I hear a gunshot. My heart becomes the only thing I can hear, I feel my feet pick themselves up off the ground and fall to gravity, running. I was running to where I hear the shot. I hate the fight or flight mode of my brain, the part that takes control when I'm scared. I turn the corner, only to slip and see Reed. She's dead. There was a bullet hole in her head. I hear nothing but my heartbeat, despite my high pitched scream. I run to my father's office, my screams bein internal at this point.

                   I open my dad's office door, heavy breathing, crying, on the verge of a panic attack. 

"Amity?" He says, hardly glancing at me.

                     Obviously busy with paperwork. He then doubles back after seeing my arms and hands covered in blood and a small bump forming over my eyebrow. My tears causing the skin around my eyes to redden.

"Oh my god! Amity, what happened?" He says very calmly and caring, as a father does. He pulls me in to hug me but I just start talking. 

"You know, I-I grew up fighting kids and getting beat u-up, so blood doesn't ever bother me. I-I cut a guy wh-who tried to rape me. There was blood, a-a lot of blood," blood was everywhere- but whe-when you see someone who you know a-and care about you don't think they could possibly lose so much blood! And she was tiny and skinny, there was s-so much blood! Too mu-"


"-ch blood! She-"


"She had so-so much damn blood!"

"Amity, sweetie, Amity!" He said as I continued to ramble. He grabbed my face so I would look at him, gently of course.

"Amity, you're in shock. It's all right honey, tell me what happened," I start shaking and trying to control myself.

"Reed's dead," I say gasping to hold back a sob. "Someone shot her," I say in the same, almost as if I was loosing my voice, tone. I start sobbing even more.


"The police are on their way, what's the procedure?.....You're the head of hospital security, how do you not know?, I know it's never happened before.....Alright, Lockdown nobody moves in or out,...Ya, nobody moves nobody breathes until we figure this out!" He slams the phone back into place.

          He dabs my forehead with a tissue. I had since calmed down, very slightly.

"Will you be ok if I leave you by yourself?"

"Dad! You j-just said nobody moves," I cry.

"Nobody but me, I'm the chief, this is my job,"

"But Dad, what if you get shot?"

"I'll be right back," He says then leaves.

                         I grab my dad's flip phone and dial mom's number. It rings and rings, 

"This is Meredith, I'm probably working or avoiding your call. You should be able to figure out which one I'm doing, leave a message or, you know, don't."

"Mommy, it's Amity. By the time you hear this you'll have figured out what's happening. Please don't be dead, you can't die, not now. I love y-you, don't call back because it's daddy's phone, bye." With that, I run out of the office, what the hell am I going to do?

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