The Poor Orphan, the Arrogant Princess and the Lonely Queen

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There once was a princess who lived happily with her parents in a magnificent castle. The king and queen loved their daughter very much, even if she did insist on having her hair in a boy-cut rather than traditional princess style. One day the princess snuck out of the castle to go into the surrounding woods. She often did this and had never been caught because no one ever went into those woods. However, that day, there was a boy. As the princess stood there in her fine slippers and gown, the poor boy blinked back at her through his long fringe.

"Hello," the boy said shyly.

The princess smiled, "Hello." she said, "Would you like to play with me?" the little boy was vey pleased. He felt grateful that such a beautiful princess would want to play with an orphan boy like him. Together, they climbed trees and played games till the sun began to set. It was around this time that the princess realised her parents would be mad if they found out she had been outside the castle grounds and made a hasty farewell to the boy before hurrying back to her beautiful room inside her beautiful castle. The poor boy reluctantly said goodbye to the princess and hurried home to the man whom he served as a servant.

Many years past and the princess changed over time. She lost her lovely golden hair as it turned a dark shade of brown. She lost her carefree manner, as her parents forced into her what they thought was the correct attitude for a princess. Soon she was as conceited and arrogant as her parents bought she should be. Meanwhile, the poor boy worked hard. He gathered firewood for his master. He cooked and cleaned. He was often sore by evening but the memory of the happy day he had spent with the beautiful, golden haired, carefree princess kept his spirits high. He was never lonely or sad. One day, when he was twelve, he met with a kind and beautiful woman. The wheel on her carriage had broken and she was stuck on the road. Her magnificent white stallion stood moodily off to the side as she sat piteously in a heap of fine gown.

"Oh! Young man, can you help me?" she called when she saw the poor boy, my husband has gone for help but we are miles from anywhere and I don't think he will be back for some time." the poor boy took one look at the carriage wheel and knew straight away that it couldn't be fixed.

 "My master has a spare wheel at his cottage and I'm sure he would not disagree with you buying it from him. You may even stay the night while you wait for your husband to return, if you wish." When the poor boy said this the woman's face split into such a wide and happy smile that it see she would burst from delight. So, the woman went back with the boy to his master's house where she payed for a night's stay. The poor boy went back to the carriage once every hour, all through the night, to make sure her husband knew exactly where she was and wouldn't worry. It wasn't until after dawn that the husband did return though. The poor boy led him to his master's house to meet his wife. When they approached the cottage, the poor boy's master appeared at the front of the house.

"What? You've brought another one back? What do you think we are? A bed and breakfast?" he shouted. And with that he raised his hand and hit the boy hard across the face. The woman ran out of the house.

"Stop this!" she cried, "I am Queen Raskvada of a neighbouring kingdom. This boy has done nothing wrong, in fact he has been nothing but kind. From this moment on, if my king will agree, he shall be our son." The king nodded and soon the poor boy found himself in the carriage being carried away to a new life.

"Well," Queen Raskvada said once they were in the carriage, "What is your name?"

The poor boy blushed, "I have never had a name." He said sheepishly.

"We'll have to change that, then!" the king said, "from now one your name shall be: Christopher."

The queen smiled.

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