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In stories the winners win and the losers lose. The lovers love and the haters hate. Everyone is painted in vivid black and white paints and, as a result, depth is dead.

Meaning grows on stunted trees of morals, in orchards of clichés and half-ideas. Characters are as thin as dried out blades of grass and blow helplessly in the wind.

I just want to write something beautiful, but I can't. The world clings onto my feet and refuses to release me. My imagination is weighed down by heavy reality. I want to run and sing and jump and cry and laugh and cheer, but only with words and paper.

And I want my words to make other people feel like that too. I want my words to fold like wonderful origami and create a world in which to escape to.

Only now I am stuck. Trapped in the orchard of clichés with the thin characters, stunted moral trees and black and white paint. A flat world, where the winners will always lose, the losers will always win, the lovers will always hate and the haters will always love.

The WriterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon