chapter 2- the aptitude test

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it was a seemingly perfectly normal morning. Except it was the morning of my aptitude dress. I slipped on my black and white unifrom as I had every previous day of my entire life, and noticed my skin was surprisingly cold.

downstairs my mum had prepared me which I really didn't want to eat. I was about to leave for school when my mum kneeled in front of me and gripped my shoulders, like she did when I was little.

"Harriet don't be afraid, you will be fine. the aptitude does not change anything it is still your decision"

I thought in my head , but it does, for me it changes so much. For me it will confirm my suspicions. it will confirm I am divergent.

I nod my head and turn out the door before any tears can spill.

the ride to school is the same as usual, with other people sneering and laughing, as i do every day , I ignored them.

At school we were given a brief of what the aptitude test will do, before being taken to sit in the cafeteria and wait for our name to be called. my surname is straw so for me it was a painful wait. finally:

"Harriet straw test room f4 "

I made my way quickly to the room and tried not to think too much. I had so much, yet so little, time to mentally prepare.

In the test room is a chair, and a kind looking abnegation woman.

"hello I'm veronica, nice to meet you"

"Harriet" I respond. she smiles.

I sit down on the chair and she gives me a blue liquid.


I drink it as fast as I can before the reality settles in.


I open my eyes to find Veronica has dissapeard.

"veronica?" I ask. no one replies.

"choose" booms a voice

"what?!?!" I scream


I see the cheese and the knife in front of me.

"WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY!!!" I scream until my throat dries out. I sit crossed legged on the floor.

"you have 10 seconds to choose" says the voice then starts to countdown.

I ignore it and wait for the countdown to end.

when it does I see a Rottweiler growling at me from across the room, baring its teeth.


I don't know what's gotten into me. I'm angry. that's all I know, I'm angry. I can feel it bubbling in my veins and my cheeks are hot.

the dig begins bounding towards me, when its just a few inches away I shove my foot into its jaw.

I do love animals, we had a pet dog at home. But I hate dogs who want to hurt people.

"puppy" smiles a girl across the room. my eyes meet hers.

she is me. she is me as a little girl. 5 maybe 6? and she is not angry. this is me before the bullies. me before I decided I hated everyone. me before I locked myself in my room and shut myself off from the world.

I want to reach out and touch her. but the dog is beating me do it. Its eyes wide. drooling, from the idea of food.

I don't know what to do. I'm not dauntless I cannot hurt the dog. I'm not abnegation I cannot save her. I'm not erudite I cannot think of a way to stop it. I'm not amity I cannot think of a way to calm it down.

and I have no idea what a candor would do.

I turn to the mirror behind me so I cannot see the dog or little me. I hear her scream.

I scream too.

we scream in unison. my hands pressed to the glass. hot tears running down my cheeks.

the glass dissapears and is replaced with a window. I am on a bus.

"are you ok?" asks a man. "yes" I reply without thought. I am defenitley not candor.

"can you help me, do you know who this man is?" he asks pointing to man on the newspaper.

I sort of recognize them but I'm not sure. I stand silent.

"well do you?!" he says becoming angry

"no" I say, but it comes out so quiet I can barely hear it.

he grabs my shoulders "why don't you want to help me!!?" he shouts in my face.

"GET OFF ME YOU CREEP GET OFF!!" I scream. I push him off me. the bus is stopping. I run off the bus and do not stop running. I'm in the middle of the road when I hear another bus beep its horn. coming towards me at full speed.

the impact knocks me to the ground, the grit slides under my freshly grazed skin.

everything goes black.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2014 ⏰

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