chapter 1- divergents

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I was 12 years old when they taught us about divergents. I remember it clearly. I went downstairs in my black and white unifrom and said goodbye to my mum. she hugged me and told me we were learning something important at a school today. I got on the bus wondering what it could be.

I hated my life at 12 years old. I was horribly bullied and had no friends.

A boy from the year above kicked the back of my chair "to be honest, I think your stupid" he said , and all his friends laughed. "haha yeah to be honest no one likes you" said another. I tried my best to ignore them but it was hard.

the bus ride was boring. at that stage we went to school with children from other factions. the bus bobbed up and down on the old , cracked concrete road. jumping into empty potholes.

I guess that's what I felt like, and empty pothole. an unwanted crack I'm the road.

normal children joked around talking about what faction they would like to choose when they were older. but not me. that was my biggest secret. I had no idea what faction I would choose. I didn't fit into any of them. simple as that.

I could never be an abnegation, when someone is hurt my automatic response is to walk past, not to help them. Considering  I was the weirdo they would probably call me a freak and tell me to get off of them.

I wasn't Candor. I could never be honest. every night my mother asked me about my friends, about my school and I was told her "its good, its fine, I'm fine" which is all lies.

I wasn't Erudite. I wasnt particularly stupid, but collecting information is pointless and boring and not a way to spend your life.

I wasn't Amity. I was the furthest thing from peaceful that exsisted. I had a strong history of violent breakouts. one time a boy called me fat and ugly and told me I should be dead. I threw a chair at the wall and slapped him then ran as far away as I could to the city boundary. I was 11 then. the dauntless guards had to give me some peace serum and take me back to candor.

I wasn't dauntless. I wasnt peaceful but that doesn't not mean I was brave. I ran away from everything. anyone who hurt me. I was scared of the bullies. I was scared of people I guess.

"it is 4 years until you shall take your aptitude tests and choose your  factions. Many of you may of heard about the 3 divergent rebels who were killed last night. well today we will explain to you what divergents are. they are people who fit into more than one faction, also serums do not work on them. in stimulations they know that they are awake. they do not fit into our society, and a divergent shall be scentences to death. however divergence is very rare, so do not worry about it. I'm sure you all know where you belong"

I decided then ythat divergence must be the answer to my problem. I did not know where I belonged. I did not fit into this society.

that day was 4 years ago tomorrow. tomorrow, the day if my aptitude test.

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