60. Earth Clan meet Lightening Clan

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A couple hours later, outside a large warehouse on the dock Cal stood with Shayley.

Knock, knock.

Cal didn't kick this door down like he normally did when he was this excited.

A thin peach haired elf girl with bags under her eyes answered.

"What is it, I'm busy."

"Fina, I brought coffee and lemon tea." Cal held up a pair of thermos's.

"Start with that, why don't you!" the elf grabbed them by the collars, pulled them in, and slammed the door behind them. Through the door they teleported deeper into the warehouse.

The door was linked to a secret location that wasn't the warehouse. Only the sound of Cal knocking on the door would pass to the secret door. Anyone else would be banging on an empty warehouse, and unless Fina opened the door anybody else would walk into that same empty warehouse.

The room that Cal and Shayley saw was vastly more spacious and cluttered than the warehouse front. It was large enough for four full sized naval ships and an entire army of elves, dryads, and elementals.

Every Sylvan knight had a specially trained personal guard as well as an entire platoon that they were over. Clera was the exception since she was over the city guard and the royal guard.

In terms of social order, the Sylvan knights and their subordinates were the equivalent of noble houses within a normal monarchy. The council of guardians could be considered minor nobles or branch families since each had a representative among the knights they could consult on serious matters.

Although in the eyes of the knights and the guardians they were comrades and shield mates. They never saw one another as above or below one another. This was one of the founding peculiarities that pissed off the noble houses. Sowing seeds of descent or making "connections" among those who were entirely loyal to one another made the social order of the city impenetrable to foreign ideologies or corruption.

In this room was the Sylvan knight of earth Fina, the earth first chair on the council high elemental Lucinda, and the earth second chair the Dryad Queen Mother Dahlia. Every leader in the Earth order of the city, or Earth clan, along with their subordinates were working side by side on one of Cal's project.

"Dahl, Luce. It's break time, master brought us a present for working so hard." Fina called. "Everyone else prepare for an inspection!"

Near the door was a large desk covered in papers. Fina cleared off a portion of it and pulled out various odd shaped cups. Lucinda flew over in elf form, while a woman with green leaf texture patterned skin sauntered over. The green woman had antlers and a holly crown in her hair, yet despite her regal appearance her leaf clothes, that did very little to hide her modesty, were filthy and ragged with the rest of them.

Once they sat down, Cal poured coffee for Fina and Lucinda then poured lemon tea for Dahlia, the green skinned dryad queen.

"So how is the project coming along?" Cal asked.

Fina was the one to answer since she was the one put in charge.

"It's all one big god damned headache, but we are ahead of schedule, for now anyway."

"You totally love it then?"

Fina squealed. "I've been so bored for so long since those awful nobles squelched all my projects in the past. I finally have something to do!" She actually stood up and spun. She was sleep deprived and overworked, but she loved every second of it.

Dahl let out a mature amused laugh, "She's quite taken with the impossible task you gave her. She hasn't slept in days, Lucy and I have taken turns making her sleep." She sipped the tea.

Cal looked at Lucy and she just shrugged.

"How about you, what do you think of the project, Dahl?"

Dahl cooed when Cal said her name. "My I forgot how much I liked having you around, Master. Every time you're around the impossible becomes reality, it's divinely entertaining. You proposed an impossible idea, and with all of Fina's pent up energy she made it a reality."

She crossed her legs, "but you'll never get me into one of these things once they are working. I like to keep my feet in the soil, thank you very much." She sipped her tea while looking at the four watercrafts.

"If I may." Lucy interjected.

Cal raised his eyebrow.

"Everyone in this room, save myself, all prefer to keep our roots firmly in the soil. Who are you going to get to captain these... Things...?"

Cal smiled, "I thought you'd never ask." He pulled out five silver rings that would normally fit on a finger. In the center of the ring was a yellow translucent crystal making it look like a cat's eye. With these crystals one could store an elemental and transport them conveniently.

Normally after deactivating an elemental you need to pay a set amount of mana to resummon them. It was less than the initial creation summon, but it also took a certain amount of time to cast the spell before they appeared. With these crystals as a storage device,  one could bypass the cast time and resummon cost. These particular crystals were more refined versions of the one he used with Sarg and Lucy when he first entered the city.

"Lucy, I'd like you to meet your new brothers and sisters." Cal touched each one of the crystals, every time he touched one a beam of light formed into a shape and soon the lightning elemental clan stood behind Cal. "Earth clan meet lightning clan. Lucy this is high elemental Joltiana, Joltiana this is high elemental Lucinda."

Lucy's eyes shimmered as she covered her mouth. For her every elemental was precious, and to be receiving new family after all these years overwhelmed her with emotion.

Shifting with her hand on her hip Joltiana pointed her thumb at Lucy.

"Is she going to be okay?"

"Give her a second."

Lucy began to cry.

"Cal, she's crying w-what did I do, what do it do?" Joltiana was freaking out. She held her hands out to comfort Lucy but couldn't, she ended up waving her arms around awkwardly.

Cal and Shayley both giggled at the display.

"Lucinda was always the emotional type." Dahlia sipped her tea. "Especially when it comes to family." She cooed at the taste of the tea.

Fina snuck up behind Joltiana, "just... get in there." She pushed Joltiana into Lucy.


Lucy snatched Joltiana out of thin air and began sobbing. Joltiana gasped for air against Lucy's crushing grasp.

Fina, satisfied with this turn of events, returned to her coffee with a pleased smirk as she also drank Lucy's portion. Since she was indisposed at the moment.

Tales of the Pearly City (Pearly Tales Vol.1) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now