42. How the Mighty Fall

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The crowd cheered.

"You've really done it now Captain," Dakota cracked his knuckles as he spoke low enough for only Cal to hear him.

Cal winked and then turned his attention to the wall, "You hear that ladies, we have a really fight on our hands so we might need a little hand guarding the town. Mind lending us that hand?"

A group of Valkyries giggled and chattered on the top of the wall.

Nothing happens much with the cities unraidable prestige, so the Valkyries haven't had much to do except ward off the stray forest beast every now and again. It truly was a shame, Cal still looked at them with admiration as he remembered summoning and finely crafting each one of them into a deadly weapon.

Right now they seemed like a gaggle of high school girls saying things like "anything for Annie's boo," and "this is going to be exciting!"

However, underneath it all were battle starved beasts of war.

The battle maidens leapt from the wall and gathered cast a transparent barrier in front of the gathering crowd.

"Dammit Captain, how am I supposed to hold back when you make this kind of show?" Dakota shook his head but didn't actually look troubled, in fact his nasty habit was showing.

"You might die if you do. See that, Joltiana. Dakota here, is a battle hardened savage, if you don't go all out he'll devour you."

"I hear you loud and clear," Joltiana punched her hand causing a spark.

"Time to suit up," Dakota reached into his shirt, and pulled out a wooden mask similar to the one that Cal wore as a druid with one ominous difference, it wasn't blank like Cal's was.

With downward slanted eyes and a terrifying grin to match his own, Dakota donned his jack-o-lantern mask.

Once on, it wrapped around his face and grew branches like spiked horns out the back of his head. His entire body wrapped with petrified driftwood.

Once completed, the holes in his mask, and the lines in the wood filled in with luminescent blue ice. His overall appearance grew more ominous as his frame grew thinner and longer. Ice spikes also sprouted on his back and arms, as fog dropped from the woods creases. His eyes and mouth began to glow as his Jack-o-lantern mask became his new face.

"Ooo, scary." Joltiana mused.

There was an audible reaction from the gathered crowd who hadn't seen a dual element elemental before. Which stood to reason since the only active ones were Dakota and his twin sister Kadoka, the rest were sealed after having been initially summoned.

They weren't failures, no, the reason they were sealed was because they were simply too unbalanced. When Kadoka and Dakota showed up at the same time they covered each other's unbalanced stats and stuck to each other like glue. They were well matched both power-wise and chemistry-wise. One of Dakota's faults was although he was calm and collected most of the time, whenever he was riled up he didn't know how to hold back. Kadoka and Cal were the one one who could control him.

His unbalanced nature also came due to his skill set, he was a close-range specialist like Joltiana. Unlike Joltiana who had powerful attack magic, Dakota's buff and debuff skills were unmatched.

Buffs were beneficial spells that were cast on yourself or your allies to increase their performance, while debuffs were harmful spells cast on enemies to decrease their performance. The longer the battle raged on the weaker his opponents grew and the stronger he became exponentially.

Before Cal could say anything to begin the fight, Dakota read the mood and released a roar. In the blink of an eye only a patch of ice was left where his feet were. Earth elementals were known for being bulky tanks but Dakota's speed didn't reflect that. Joltiana blocked Dakota's slash with a kick that hit his wrist instead of the blade-like claws.

Tales of the Pearly City (Pearly Tales Vol.1) [Completed]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن