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A/N: The fist chapter to be revised. I feel a lot better about this now. I didn't change everything, so expect everything to be the same till near the end.

"Y/N. Y/N get up."

You roll over onto your side, turning your back to whoever was at your bed side.

"I said get up!"

You peek your eyes open and look over your shoulder.

Turles stands there with his arms crossed and an annoyed expression on his face. Thankfully, he was wearing his armor again and isn't walking around topless anymore. "About time you finally woke up."

"What do you want?"


"Go make it yourself."

"I can't."


"Cooking is simply not a skill I possess. I've burned the kitchen down three times."

You sigh and sit up. "You are utterly hopeless."

"Shut up."

You stand up and stretch out your arms over your head. "Fine, but don't think im doing this just for you."

He only huffs as you walk out of your room. He follows out behind you. When you get to the kitchen, the first thing you notice was that it was clear of pots and pans on the floor. You look back at Turles. "Did you clean up?"

"Believe it or not, I do like to keep this place clean. My crew was just always sloppy. But of course, I left the rest for you to clean."

"Figures." You grumble, and you go to work on fixing up some breakfast.

It took a while, but you managed to make a stack of pancakes, a tray of bacon, and some sausages. You notice Turles eyeballing the food, a hungry look in them, judging by how good yesterdays breakfast was, lord knows the last the last time he actually had a good meal.

Turles licks his lips as he reaches out and grabs a pancake from the stack. He took a bite, paused, and then proceed to stuff the rest of it into his mouth. But he didn't stop there. He moved on to the bacon and sausages and started shoving all three into his mouth. Was he even chewing?

You couldn't help but stare at him as this was happening. Never in your life have you seen ANYONE gorge themselves like he was right now. Your lucky you grabbed yourself a plat already, otherwise you might not have gotten anything for yourself.

Within a few minuets, he was done with a very satisfied sigh. "That was the best meal I've had in years. Forgive me if I acted like a swine, i'm usually far more composed." He says.

"I-its fine."

"May I ask where you learned to cook like that?" He asks.

"Well, live alone for a few years you tend to pick up a few books and learn a few things."

"That obviously was not the case for me." 

"Seems that way." You say, and start to eat your own breakfast. In a few minuets you finish and put your plate in the sink.

You turn around and look over at him. He was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. When he looked over at you, your eyes met. His onyx ones staring right into your e/c ones. You both looked at each other for a few seconds before you decided to break up your little staring contest.

"So.... How are your injury's today?" You ask.

"Why do you ask?"

"As your temporary nurse, I feel its my job to make sure you don't suddenly keel over dead."

Greedy Intentions (Turles X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now