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She didn't know how much time passed by then, but when she opened her eyes it was dark. The sun left her. And once again she was alone.

A sudden fear crept up her back and her heart thudded heavily. She turned around and looked for the shore but it was just too dark. Panic struck and she began to hyperventilate, her breathing raspy and uneven. An agonizing pain pierced through her body and the voices in her head were louder than ever. Another wave sloshed over her, coating her back with a layer of water beads. The cool air of the night bit against her wet body, shaking off her fear. An illusive calmness swept over her and she turned away from shore, following the direction from where the waves were coming. Her nipples were hard with the coldness of the night. The moon seemed to have left her too, and all that was left was the void darkness around her, embracing her like an old lover. She sighed in relief and the soothing numbness took over her. She was no longer shaking, no longer frightened, no longer conflicted. She took another step forward. There was no turning back now.

The water was now up to her chest.

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