Chapter 22

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"Best way to escape from your problems is to solve them".

"Um what about a club?"

"Uhh underage dude" Ari said looking at Davis like he's stupid.

"And?" Davis said smiling which ended up with him getting smack by Clair.

"Umm uhh this sucks our last week until school reopens and here we are trying to figure out what to do" ari said laying her head on Ian shoulder.

"What about the beach? Our beach house out of town we could spend our last week there?" Kai suggested.

"Omg why didn't we think about that" Clair said excited.

"Because you guys are stupid" kai said laughing which made Clair hit him in the face with a pillow.

"Hey don't damage his pretty face" Mai said laughing also.

"Yes don't" kai said going behind Mai so she can shield him.

"What beach house are you guy talking about?" I said looking away from the scene in front of me.

"Oh we have a beach house a little out of town, we bought it when we moved here, almost forgot about it" Clair said smiling.

"You guys will love it" Ian said rapping his arms around Ari pulling her closer to him.

"Yea it's really beautiful, so you guys should go start packing for our awesome weekend to come" Clair said getting up excited.

I have a bad feeling about this. But maybe I was overthinking.

A whole week away, sleeping in the same house with kai for a WHOLE week anything can happen.

"Hey want me to give you a ride?" Kai asked bring me out of my thought.

"Um I'll let Ari drop me, I'm sure you got your packing to do also" I said casually.

"I'm a guy it's not that hard and ari don't look like she's moving for now" he said looking in her and Ian direction.

He was right they looked so occupied in each other I would feel bad to disturb them.

"Um o-"

"Hey kai can you give me a ride? I'm low on gas" Mai said approaching us.

He looked at me then at her and smile.

"Sure I was about to drop ally home I can give you a ride also" she said ohh and looked down kind of disappointed.

She wanted to spend some time with him. Alone.

"You can drop me first, I'll have to ask my parents' permission and stuff after all" I said forcing a smile.

At that being said Mai started to smile.

Kai give me a weird look but said nothing.

The ride was silent well most of it, Mai kept reminding kai of their past and stuff they did together, and he kept laughing remembering all the crazy stuff but was still steady looking at me through the review mirror.

I'll be lying if I said I wasn't a little jealous. I mean kai and I have some good memories but not as much as he did with Mai.

"Ally, we're here" kai said getting my attention.

"Um thanks" I said getting out of the car.

"Um ally?" He said stopping me.

I turn back with a questioning look

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