chapter 11

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"Dare or death"
"Look like she's waking up" I heard Ari said.

I tried opening my eyes but it felt like a nail was being hammered into my head.

I raise up in one swift move and held my head. I opened my eyes and saw Ari, Clair, Ian, Davis, josh and Kai alone with our school nurse.

"Here darling have these, it will ease the pain" the nurse said handing me a glass of water with 2 tablets.

"Are you okay?" Ari asked next to me.

"I'll give you guys couple minutes then return to class" she told them giving them a strict look.

"But we have home room, half the school is on the corridor" Ari pretest but she stop when she got the look from the nurse. After she left I was attack with questions.

"Um I heard my sister did this, I'm really sorry" josh said behind Ari but the glare Ian and Kai was sending him didn't go unnoticed by me. I thought they were friends?

"Um I didn't see who exactly did it" I said smiling weakly at him.

"We all know damn well it's her" Ari said angry.

After a while josh left and Davis also. Kai was still in his corner not saying a word.

"We'll wait outside for you" Clair said pulling Ari with her leaving Kai alone with me.

"Are you going to stay in that position forever?" I asked forming conversation.

"Are you okay?" He asked not moving.

"Well I'm alive with no broken bones, what do you think?"

He final walked over to where I was.

"I was really worried when I saw you on that floor" he said concern evident in his eyes.

"I'm fine" I reassure him. It's kind of cute he's concern.

"Now let's get to class" I said getting up.

"Are you serious?" He asked in disbelieve.

"Yes, what? You think this will be an excuse to skip"

"Actually I don't really need an excuse to skip" he said with a smile.

"Bad boy behavior" I muttered walking out the door.

"You know you love me just like this" he said walking out with me.

"Um love is too much of a strong word kai, I'm now starting to accept your presence" I told him causing him to laugh.

"Aww cute" Ari and Clair said making me glare at them.

We were walking to home room and just as Ari said student were on the corridor, Kai is right we have nothing to do here but I just don't like missing school even if we're not doing anything I must be mark present still.

"I can just slap off that bitch head" I heard Ari mutter next to me.

"Ditto" Clair said making me look ahead and there Joey was in all her glory.

"I have an idea" Kai said smirking while looking at me.

Um why is he looking at me like that?

I think I should run.

"Ally will do it" he said looking at me still.

"Do what?" I asked

"Slap Joey" he said likes it nothing.

"And why would I do that?" He smirk.

"Because I dare you too" he said with his hands fold.

"You are going to be the death of me" I said pointing at him.

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