Not A New Chapter But Please Read Anyway

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Hey Friends, Fans, Readers alike!

This isn't a new chapter for Just Be Free but I just wanted to make a few announcements.  And since no one seems to read my message board. I turned to this, hoping everyone reads and understands the situation.  Ok so here we go, you ready? Ok!

Just Be Free will be updated when my laptop comes out the shop.  My screen or something blew out, and I'm waiting for it to be repaired, and as soon as as that gets out the shop I'll be sure to upload the last and final chapter to Just Be Free!

Now I don't know if you all wonder about if I'm going to write other books. But I'm going to tell you anyway. Yes I do plan on writing more books.  In fact I have three books in the making right now.  But it seems like I'm kind of having issues with writing lately because I don't know, I'm writing these different stories, and I'm just not sure if it's something you all will read and enjoy.  Cause like I said it's new to me, and it might be kind of choppy a little shaky, and I like be confident when I upload stories and I'm not really confident as I'd like to be in these stories.   So this what I'll do, since you know it might be a little time before Just Be Free is completed. 

I told you I have 3 stories that I've been working on.  So here I'll write  a short summary of all three, and you all tell me which will interest you the most, and I'll take it into consideration  I just really wanna know some opinions on my writings. I'll take all and everything you all say into consideration and then I'll make the final decision to whcih story I will persue.

So here are the titles and summaries!

1. Remember Paige

Remeber Paige? Yeah Paige from I'm Having Her Baby. The crazy, sexy, kinky aggressive, and possessive Paige. The one who was into BDSM, and liked to be tortured for sexual arousal? Remember her? Yeah well she's alive and kicking it. She ain't getting down in Arizona not since Lydia anyway.  But she do got something going on.  Like she's in a new town, she's met a new girl, and if you thought Paige was a monster in bed, oh honey, you ain't seen nothing yet.  Paige was aggressive but meet Angela DuVall.  At first Angela is the cool, calm and quiet sweet girl. Who's filled with love, and shy and sweet. But  everything changes when she's in the bedroom, Suddenly this sweet shy kind girl is turned into a sexual beast of some sort. She'll have Paige doing things she never even thought of. Paige being the girl who loves to be in control but also be the sub to any dom, well maybe just maybe  Paige has met her match. Can she say when enough is enough? How far will Angela push her? And just how far is too far?

2. Everything Dark Ain't Bad, and Everything White Ain't Right

Servant girl? That's what some White people called her. "Get more wine servant girl". She hates that name. Her name is Niessa Mitchell. Not Black maid. Not servant girl. Not modern day laborer. But Niessa Mitchell. Pronounced Nye-EE-Suh.  Working  as a maid for well-to-do White folk was never Niessa's plan. In fact she hated White people with a passion. She had been working as a maid for the Bridgeport's for  almost six months now, and she hated it.   And with everyday that passed Niessa hated it just a little bit more. But when she discover's a secret that Bridgeports are holding, she's not sure how to react. The secret includes the Bridgeport's 18 year old daughter Natalie. Now what's going on exactly has yet to be revealed. But somehow the tables turn where Niessa will not only be Natalie's hero but also her lover. How you ask? Well you'll just have to dive in head first in this Southern based tale about love, interracial relations, racism, and the grime, grit and dirt of the Dirty South!

3. Learning to Love

Three kids, a fat baby, and a dog. That's what's left, Three kids, a fat baby, and a dog. That's what her mother left her. Kaliya Jefferson's mother has passed, and it seems her whole world has turned upside down. One day she's a free single, childless woman with a great career, and life is just perfect. The next day she's a struggling single guardian for four children that her mother left her. Her nieces and nephews are now her's to care for. Kaliya never liked kids, never wanted kids, but here she is.  This is all so new to  Kaliya, and everything is moving so fast.  She was bitter before but now she's filled with rage because she thinks this is unfair, cruel, and absolutely unneccessary.  Little did she know that the children will change her life in way she never imagined, not to mention the constant companionship between the kids and her mother's next door neighbor Christina. The kids love her, and already close to her little does Kaliya know not only will the children draw her closer to them but also to Christina. Read on as this lesson of life, sacrifice, joy and love unfolds.

Ok everybody that's  the three stories I'm working on now.   I like them all, and they all seem very interesting to me. But I would love to have all of you all's opinions on each summary, and just let me know which one you like best. A vote is nice but I really need coomments because when you vote, you're voting for this whole section and no story in specifically.  So leave a comment, you don't have to say much, you can just post the number of which one you like best. But I would love to hear your opinion as to why you like any specific summary of any story. So please comment, please vote, and just let me know how you feel.

I can not and will not post anything if nobody's reading. So comment and let me know below. All feedback is appreciated. Every comment will be read and taken into consideration.  Again this just let's me know which book you all would like to read first, and then i'll do the rest after the first is complete.

So feel free to read this, take a moment, think about it, meditate, pray if ya need to. But just let me know in a comment below.  Votes are welcome. Comments are needed.

Thank you so much for reading this! I really appreciate it.  I hope to hear from you soon. If you have any questions, points of clarification or just simply need a little help then I'm just a message away. I promise I won't bite. (:

Again thank you so much for reading! And I really hope to hear from you soon.

With Love

From my heart to yours <3


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