How could this happen?

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"How could this happen? I thought the baby got killed when Julian attacked Valerie." Stefan's voice rings out.

"I-I dont know Stefan. All I know is somehow your and Valerie's baby was inside me when I woke up." Elena stressed.

"Valerie must have done something when she found out she was carrying your child Stefan. A spell or something."
A million thoughts race through my head. I wake up from a curse that I can only wake up from if my best friend dies and find out I'm pregnant with my exes baby. A baby that should have died in his heretic crushes womb when she was beaten nearly to death by Julian back in 1863. I'm carrying Stefan's baby. I have a life inside me. The life of who's father I still love.

"Elena. Elena. Elena!" I snap out of my shocked state and begin panicking.

"Are you OK Elena?"

"No... No no I'm not! I wake up to find my best friend is dead and the town has been evacuated because some vampire witch hybrids have take over the town and I'm pregnant with one of theirs and Stefans baby! So no no I'm not OK. I'm freaking out because I have my boyfriends brothers baby inside me. The baby that was meant to be dead. How the hell am I meant to be OK with that? How the hell can I even be pregnant when I've been asleep for the past 60 years? Oh god. What are we gonna do?" A moment of silence fills the air as I fall to the ground crying like a baby, having a mental break down. The room starts spinning.


My eyesight goes blurry.

"Elena are you OK?"

Its fading.

"Oh my god!"

I feel my body grow heavy.

"Elena can you hear me?"

I try to stand only to fall to the ground and everything sink into darkness.


Baby Salvatore (Tvd Fanfiction About Stefan And Elena)Where stories live. Discover now