Chapter Fourteen

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Later that same night within Imladris...

For the first time in all of its existence, Elrond's office was undeniably loud. Now, this isn't the simple loud of children yelling as they play outside at their little games, but rage and tension-filled loud that would make those same children cower in fear.

And the reason for all this?

The debate on what was happening in the realm of Imladris.

"How was any of this even possible considering that you, the Lord of Imladris, carry an elven ring of power? I thought its main purpose was for protection from events such as these!"

"A wizard should be able to prevent such darkness from coming into a blessed land. Clearly, you truly are only meant to be a gray one!"

"Doesn't being a Balrog Slayer mean that you are a formidable force, possible of protecting those you love? Not letting them come to ruin?"

"Honestly, you are all imbecilic and under taught or you would know that rings are not helpful and only do what they want! They have no masters, not even elven ones."

"One would have thought that being Galadriel's daughter meant that you would have had some inkling about these events. Or even the Peredhel would have, considering they are cursed with foresight!"

"Or clearly, they are not."

"Honestly, how can you have been so blind to the deceit right before you, living in your very realm? How do you not notice these things?"

As the insults continued on, the Lord and Lady of Lothlorien sat in the corner, observing all before them.

When they had been told of all the events that had taken place up until their arrival, they had sat there quietly and taken into account everything that was said and done, along with the emotions felt. Their grandchildren had been sent off earlier to gather what rest they could, and now they had remained in their son-in-law's office well into the night. The only other person who remained quiet was the Elven King, and he was quite distant from the happenings around him.

It was honestly saddening to the Lord and Lady to watch as the wizard and elves bickered and threw blame. Never had they thought it possible, but the tension and fear of the past events was bringing on emotions that would rarely be hurled at one another.

In times of darkness, it was hard to remain as one's self.

Eventually, as the fighting and verbal abuse continued, Celeborn seemed to have had enough for he straightened in his chair and opened his mouth as though to speak. However, a gentle touch on his arm stopped him.

Questioningly, Celeborn looked into his wife's eyes, only to understand what she intended to do. Patting the arm lovingly that had stopped his interference, he leaned back into his chair to watch over the fighting group.

Galadriel, seeing that her husband had understood her intent, turned towards the one she knew would speak reasonably. Well, as well as he could regarding the loss of his son for the moment.

Thranduil looked up as he felt the Lady of Light enter his mind, stiffening as she wordlessly flowed in. He did not like the idea of her, now more than ever, entering into his mind where he wanted more than anything to be left alone with his thoughts.

It was a common belief that Thranduil hated Galadriel, but there was respect between them despite the events of their pasts. He knew she did what she had to do, but he was loathe to let go of some beliefs that his father had held in his time, before the War had ended. Nevertheless, the Elven King did not hate the Lady, just didn't agree with some of her methods and ways.

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