Chapter Four

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This isn't my longest chapter yet, but this one is more factual about an event that takes place here. And don't worry, by the sixth chapter, Legolas will be the main aspect. I just need to get us there. Hope you enjoy this one (if you even can...)!

PS - I made a quick rough sketch that appears later in the chapter to help you guys envision what I was trying to describe. Hope it shows up.

The Great Hall of Fire was indeed a merry place despite the event of the past day. Lindir stood in a corner along with a few other elves and the group was singing their latest song, the one that Sidhiel had been humming.

Thranduil and Legolas were together on one of the couches located in the back corner of the room. The elfling was snuggled into his Ada's robes, making himself cozy in his father's loving arms. He was struggling to keep his eyes open against the onslaught of tiredness that was plaguing him.

Thranduil, quite aware of what his Greenleaf was fighting against, began to hum a melody under his breath. It was a lullaby that his wife had created when Legolas was brought into their lives, made especially for their little leaf. A long time had passed since he had sang it for his elfling, the last being while Legolas was healing from his wounds after the murder of his mother, the Queen. But he knew that it would bring his elfling into sweet dreams and pleasant memories, so he hummed the tune under his breath for only his precious bundle to hear.

Legolas, hearing the soft tune his father made, felt warmth and love swell in his heart. He burrowed deeper into his Ada's arms, the lullaby allowing sleep to win him over. Before he drifted off into elven dreams he murmured a "Love you, Ada" and then fell asleep.

Thranduil looked down at the golden elfling in his arms, heart bursting with love and placed a soft kiss atop the silken head. Closing his eyes, he breathed in his child, relishing the warmth and security that radiated from his Greenleaf.

Sadly, the moment was short lived as a harried messenger flew into the room, skidding to a stop before Glorfindel and Elrond where they were seated. He spoke quickly to them, making frantic motions with his hands. Elrond said something in response to the messenger, who quickly left the room. Glorfindel muttered something to Elrond before he too vanished from the Great Hall of Fire.

Elrond then stood up, motioning for his wife. She walked over to her husband from where she had been seated and then, after a few traded words, rounded up her children, ushering them out of the room.

Knowing all too well what was to come, Thranduil stood up with his elfling in his arms, following Elrond out of the Hall and into the corridor.

"What is it?" he asked Elrond softly, cautious of waking his son.

The Lord of Imladris merely shook his head in response. "Once you have put your son to bed, meet me in the healing wing." The Lord then quickly walked off, his robes flowing in the light breeze.

Thranduil watched as his friend disappeared, a sense of foreboding washing over him.


Elrond, Celebrian, Glorfindel, Erestor, Thranduil, and Mithrandir all stood around a table, looks of shock and dismay covering their faces.

On the table lay an ellon, his body lightly covered by a thin, white sheet. Many other tables were in the room, each bearing the same thing as the one that was currently being looked on. And on each one, the sheet did very little to hide the mutilation underneath.

Thranduil rubbed a hand down his face. "What exactly happened, Elrond?"

The Lord looked over at the Elven King, sighing deeply. "As you saw in the Great Hall, a messenger came to us, frantic with worry and fear."

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