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Colby pov
Today we where going to see Corey and Elton at Starbucks I can't wait I feel like we are going to be great great friends
"Sam u ready"I asked but he didn't answer I went to his room and see no one in there "sam"i asked again no answer i went my room and see no one there then i remember he went out to get something because we still had a hour to meet there i felt stupid but just laughed it off
28 mins later
"Colbs"sam yelled
"Yes"i said getting off my bed and into the kitchen i saw him looking down
"U ok"i asked he looked up at me
"Yea just a bit tired i was really happy to meet elton and corey"he said smiling but tired
"Oh so no sleep i guessing"sounding ad if i was dumb of course no sleep if hes tired but i wanted to feel smart leave me alone
"Well duh"he said laughing i laughed with him we sat on the couch and watched tv and talked time flyed by and before we new it we had to go and meet elton because well we already met corey we could just walk because starbucks is only a few blocks away from us so we headed out we went inside and the coffee smell blew over to us we didnt see corey or elton yet but thats because we got here a bit early surprise for once so me and sam ordered coffee and sat at a empty seat waiting for elton and corey
"So want to makeout"i asked laughing
"Thst would be a bit weird sence yall are at a coffee shop with alot of people"elton said walking over to us
"Oh u no it was just a joke"i said to elton "weeeelllll" elton said in a high voice we all laughed and said jokes
"Elton and i are going to get coffee because yalls are making me want one"corey said grabbing elton and going to order
I notice sam was having a good time and not being shy around them and that made me happy i think we are all going to be great friends till the end
"No elton not going to do it"i herd corey say to elton i looked over and see a weird grin on eltons face "oh but u are corey"he said laughing he came over to us and i was conserned
"What is corey going to do"i asked kinda scared because i seen elton videos before so i was scared for corey what does he have to do
"Oh its just not corey its all of yall we are going to suicide bridge"elton said "ummm i think im going to go"sam said laughing at the end
"Ok meet u there"elton also said
And of course sam didnt really leave we talked about it then i said "fuck it im in" sam already said yes but i wanted to talk about it first before i was sure that i wanted to go corey was still saying no so we had to convence him
"Corey it will be fun though please"elton said trying his best to convence him "yeaaaa pleaaaasseee"sam said with those cute puppy eyes I would of said yes if he did that on me but i already said yes to the trip and not backing out
"Fine"Corey gave up Sam's puppy eyes always works on everyone
"Is it because of Sam's puppy eyes"I asked "no it's because I gave up and said yes and I retreat but can't back out of it or Elton will force me to go anyways"corey said laughing we laughed at his comment elton really is nice though at least i hope he is i only met him today and corey yesterday but i can tell there nice people
"Well now we got that settled lets get ready and we will meet at my house sam ,colby my address is *whatever u want it to be*elton said
"Ok got it"sam said putting his phone back down and with that we went back and got ready for the trip yay

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