In Every Person is Virtue and Sin...Or Something Like It

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Have you ever met anyone that is so ugly that they're attractive?  I mean, I'm no model myself, but the giant of a man waiting for me at the end of the red line was one of the ugliest people I'd ever seen in my life. Crooked teeth, with half of a right ear and his left cauliflowered. It was all topped with a scowl that seemed permanently plastered on his face.

But I couldn't look away.

It was as if every part of his face, down to the part of his beard on his right cheek that didn't grow in, had a story I needed to know.

The best part? He looked straight at me as I exited the train, instead of politely ignoring the crazy lady in Nikes and dirty pjs. He had to be the letter writer or at the very least the messenger.

However, I tried to be coy, in case I was wrong.

"So, what brings you around this place?" I asked, running my hand through my hair. Yeah, I know, very smooth, right? Give me a break, I'm new to this whole running from the law thing.

The giant responded with a grunt, pulling a wad of dollars from his leather coat and thrusting them into my hand. Before I could ask a question, he spun around and walked up the escalator to the second floor.

I sighed. I just knew the man was there to help me, but now I felt even more ridiculous. I mean how was I supposed to know who I was looking for?

Then the plastic edge of a metro card pressed into my palm through the dollars. I pulled it out and stuffed the money into my pockets, gripping the metro card like it was a lifeline.

People gave me a pretty wide berth as I trailed him. Normally, people would run over an old lady to get home. It was the first time I'd used the metro without taking an elbow to the ribs.

Following the giant seemed to be the right move, because he kept a healthy distance, but never walked so fast I lost sight of him. He was easily six feet six, and with his long legs, it must have been difficult.

When I stepped outside the station to the passenger pickup area, there were a line of cars waiting near the sidewalk, pulling away as the other passengers grabbed their rides home. Herman Munster tapped the door handle to a black SUV, but kept going. I wondered if I was seeing things because he kept walking. Was I to follow him or jump inside the car?

I endeavored to watch more spy movies if I didn't end up murdered in someone's basement.

As I arrived at the car, I stopped teetering and tugged at the handle, first relieved, then terrified it opened. My heart pounded as I slid into the backseat.

"You Emily Caceres?" Asked the woman sitting in the driver's seat. It's dark out, so I couldn't make out any of her features all that well. We're the only two people in the car, so at least I wasn't going to get roofied and raped just yet. Though it would serve me right if I did.

I released a breath I didn't realize I was holding and nodded before realizing she probably can't see me either. "Yes," I added.

The car jerked as she shifted gears and merged into outgoing traffic. The panic I keep trying to bury returned, oppressive and heavy. What I am doing, following an extra for a horror movie and getting into a car with a woman I don't know?

"Relax," she said, stopping at the red light. "You're in good hands, now."

"Is this an Allstate commercial?" I quipped, wishing I had it back. I get snappish when I'm nervous. Not my best quality. "Sorry."

She sighed. "Don't worry, Silver Tongue told us about you. No offense taken."

Silver Tongue and not Ivan. I wondered how well these people know my brother. Associates, friends or neither?

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