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Arrived. I shift into my human form and take a breath of the air, nice crisp and clean. The Alpha of the Thorn packs walks up to me, I notice a slight limp on his left leg.

    “Hello Alpha, I’m Kydon Alpha of the Thorn pack, Welcome I hope one of our she-wolfs will be your Luna.” Kydon says with a slight nod as he reaches his hand out to shake.

I glance down at his hand, then back at his eyes. He removes his hand from a shake position. “Good Afternoon Kydon, I want all your women to be lined up out front of your pack house, i don’t care what age or rank.” I say using my alpha tone.

Kydon nods as he mind links one his members. Moments later I see a bunch of women coming out of the pack house and start lining up. None have captured any of my attention even after all the winks they have given me. Bam! it hits me a single scent of plain vanilla nothing else it is a pure as heaven, just like the feeling you get when you accomplish something. I turn my head in all directions that i can get it to move, racing my eyes to find where this scent has come from. I take steps forward desperate to find it almost as if its my antidote to a poison. I need it to keep living. Finally! My head turns the right way, the way that has the most desirable smell. I meet a pair of blue eyes, not deep coloring, not plain, but bright like the sky even brighter than that. All I know is that my body is moving towards her and my mind is lost in her eyes. She is looking right at me and Bam! MATE the one word i have been waiting for my wolf to say to me and here it is.

“Mine!” I say as I finally touch her my arms go around her waist, as her arms and hands press against my chest. Even though I have my shirt on I can feel the shocks she sends to me all the way down my spine. She starts to wiggle and pushing against me, confused I am.

“Let go of me you loaf, don't you dare touch me!” She says with a small but large voice. I refuse to let her go, she keeps pushing and pushing. I start getting angry I feel my blood rising knowing that my mate wants me to let her go. I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder, I feel her hands pounding against my back, but it only feels like feathers falling on me. She is screaming to let her and put her down.

While she is still yelling at me and pounding my back I look at Kydon. “I will be taking her back to my pack.” I say with a flat dead tone. With my mate still over my shoulder i open the passenger door and lay my mate in it and buckle her up. She tries to get out of my grasp but i over power here and shut the door and walk to the other side. I notice she tries to get out by the door handle but fails, child lock is very useful. I hop into the front seat and mind link my Gamma too get in the back.

“Hey! I dont want to be here let me go I am not going with you.”

“Love, you are coming with me whether you like it or not, you are my mate and i have been searching everywhere for you,”

“I am not your mate! and I do not like it one bit, I don't even know who you are.”

“You. Are. My. Mate.” I say while raising my town “Well then, my name is Warner i am Alpha of the Running Moon Pack.”

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