(youngish) Naurto x reader

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This story is based after he past the exam (I haven't watched much of this show and to be honest I really should finish it. So go easy on me. Sorry if I get facts wrong or something)

I will try to keep this gender neutral but I am a female and may slip up sometimes.
This was written in request by Mwahsome


Chills travelled up my spine as my hands were bound and mouth gagged. The blindfold was tight and the taste of metallic blood over whelmbed me, I could feel a croud of others around me, all muffled like they were gagged too. Hearing a deep voice and the sound of horses stating to move, Suddenly a jolt from in front as I was being pulled forward forced to walk by my bound hands. Feeling the tug I could tell that many others were in the same position as me, while I couldn't tell who they were I remembered the raiders clearly.

-- A week ago. --

As i finished my daly chores i dusted off my clothes and hung up my appron. Runing outside to an older man I look up with a grin. "Can I train now?"
"Have you finished all the chores?" He asked in almost a teasing voice.
"Yes sensei I have. I've even pre prepared a meal for everyone"
Looking down at me with surprise he smiled slightly "you may train if you wish" jumping up with joy I run over to the weponds display picking up anything that is long ranged and using it with skill and precision.
"When will you train me with close combat, I'm very weak in that area and I will feel useless in a battle"
I wine looking at the swords and daggers.

"(F/n) please, sit with me" I sit cross legged in front of my elderly master "many years ago our village was cursed , it became clear that anyone born here would never possess the power that all tribes have. Chakra.
But with that curse came a blessing. Our village flourished in the ways of medicine and curative powers. The town is hidden well as no one has entered in 50 years. My child, I pray you never have to fight"
Looking around my peaceful home I feel happy and content.

Later that night after all the orphans have gone to bed and i had finished cleaning. After the meal I started to work on the medicines as was my job as a priestess apprentice.

The loud ringing of a bell screamed down my ear as the town lit up with flames. Tall men came riding in screaming and slaurtering half the village.
That night most of the village was slaughtered. All that were left alive were said to be good quality to sell.

--back to present day--
They have not given any of us food. Only water and it was through the rag in our mouth. A dizzy feeling overwhelmed me as i began to faint crashing down on the floor i blacked out. Still being dragged without much care. Through my black out I heard and saw glimpsed of a fight. A group of peple leaping about and shouting. A sudden relief took me over once the movement stopped and I felt my hands and face being un bound.

-- The next morning --
Waking up I find myself wearing a large shirt and my body covered in bandages. Trying to sit up I look around. I'm in someone's room, no home. Have I been sold? Where are my clothes? A flood of questions and fear flood my mind as I grip the blanket and hear a door open and a boy in orange walk in with a tall man with white hair and one eye covered walk in. Flinching I push myself back against the wall covering myself with the blanket.
"Woah be careful, you don't wanna open up your stitches" I hear the guy with the white hair say. I panic not keeping my eyes off of them.
"Its ok, your safe now. This is the leaf village " the boy in orange said happily
Still weary I leaned forward "where is everyone else!"
"They all ok, most of them are in the hospital but as there isn't enough room a few of you were divided and are using the homes of residents to recover, this is Naruto, you'll be staying with him for the time being. We will be checking in on you every now and again to see your conditions progress, my name is Kakashi" he turns to Naruto for a moment "take care of them and don't hesitate to contact me if something happens" he mumbled.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2017 ⏰

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