Chapter Thirty

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Kyle walks though the door as I try to calm Melissa. Who won't stop crying. I feed her and everything. I even turned the the television off.

"Hey. Looks who I have with me?" But slowly drowns out his sentence when he sees me bouncing Melissa up and down. Trying to sing to her.

He stays quiet as he has a bag in his hand. Along with Abby on his hip.

My timer on my phone goes off.
"Ohhh surgar." I whine. "Quickly take the surprise out of the oven." I quickly say leaving the room.

Abby comes with me. "Why you ave a baby with you?"

"Because I'm looking after her for awhile." I explain

"Ohhh and yle too?" She asks curiously.

I nod. " Well why she cryin?"

"I don't know Abby." I say calmly.

I was starting to get frustrated with the fact I couldn't do anything. I just didn't know what to do.

Kyle comes and takes her from me. I mouth a thank you. He simply nods and leaves with Melissa. I run my hand though my hair and sign.

I turn towards to Abby" I baked some treats to take home with you." Forcing a smile on my face.

Abby jump up and down. "Ooo yes please thank you! Can I see? " making me laugh.

I nod " come on" she grabs my hand as I lead her to the kitchen.

She gasps at the brownies and cookies.

I laugh at her reaction. "Yes indeed" I nod agreeing with her. I actually wanted to eat one. Hold up one of my cookies are missing. Ooo that sneaky fox. He toke one.

"You can have one to eat if I hear you been a good girl. "

She nods "I ave. I helped mummy estday she aid that I was a star. " Raising her hands in the air and wiggling them.

I laugh" Alright then you can have one after you have eaten your sandwich"

"What if I don't want too. " Abby say with a bit of attitude.

I raise both eyebrows and hum at her. "Well then no cookies for you. Let's put a movie on shall we." Changing the topic.

"Okay" Abby's says running ahead to the living room.

I put a movie on for Abby to watch of her choosing. Mona. Love it. And music as well. I'am Monaaaaaaa!!!
Haha. Better check on Kyle.

"Kyle !" I shout.

"Ssshhh in here." He say quietly but loud enough for me to hear him.

I entered the room after hearing his voice and following it. Up the stairs and down the corridor. I came face to face with Kyle sitting down with a sleeping Melissa . How does he do it? Awww

"Omg you have to tell me your secret!"

"Never babe"
I pull a sad face at him.

He just wink at me and then stared at me before turning to a peaceful Melissa. At last.

"Abby's downstairs" I say in cause he was wondering.

"What! Alone?"Kyle say panicked

"What? She is watching a film."Not understanding what the worry was about.

"Haha narh not after last time never again. Let's go."He say shaking his head at the time getting up.

"Erm okay..what could possibly go wrong? she watching a moive downstairs."

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