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pete was kept in the hospital for a while after the incident.

word had inevitably got around about pete's suicide attempt and how mikey bravely swooped in and saved the day; before the monday after, nobody in the school had given a single shit as to who mikey way and pete wentz even were (except for the select few people who interacted with the latter of the two from time to time), and then all of a sudden, mikey was regarded as a hero.

he hated it.

he hated how people tried to sit next to him during lunch, he hated how bob bryar tried to kick his ass twice as much as usual and how people actually tried to stick up for mikey when it got really bad, and he hated how people wanted to hear his ideas in class instead of letting him discreetly read comics in the back row like he used to.

and mikey hadn't done anything except for call a goddamn ambulance, which pete probably could've done on his own, but he guessed that it could all be worth it if it meant that the next time he saw pete, he was alive and at least a little well instead of in a coffin being lowered six feet underground.

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