I'm A Warrior (Daryl Dixon)

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5 years old

I spin around and round, all snug in my winter coat. The snow flakes that fell, tangled in my curly brown hair. It was an odd kind of winter this year, it usually didn't get this cold in Georgia. At least that was what my daddy says.

My best friend, Glenn Rhee, he was on the ground making a snow angel, snow covered his whole body. Glenn's my neighbor, we've been friends since I moved here, when I was two.

"Ashlynn, Glenn, come in grab some hot coco! Extra marshmallows and whipped cream!" my older brother, Bradley, yelled.

Glenn and I looked at each other and smiled. I helped him up and we raced to the door. "I won!" Glenn laughed. I giggled and said, "I'll get ya next time."

We sat at the table, our legs dangling from the high up chairs. I turned to Glenn to see a whipped cream mustache under his nose. We laughed and continued to fool around, until there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it Bradley." I said and got out of my seat. I opened the door to see a little blond hair blue eye boy, a year or two older than Glenn and myself, he's my other neighbor, Daryl Dixon.

"Hi, Ash, wanna come out an' play for a while?" he asks.

I look back at Glenn and he smiles, I turn back and say, "Sure." He smiled back and sat on the front step while he waited for us to quickly clean up our hot coco mess.

Before walking outside, I tell my brother, "Bradley, Glenn and I are going back outside."

"Ok!" he yelled back in reply.

I skip down the small set of stairs and gather up some snow for a snowball. Before I could even throw it, I was already on the ground throwing a giggle fit.

Daryl and Glenn then jumped right on top of me, giggling along.


"Get yer damn hands off me!" I yell. It felt like as if these things are getting stronger and stronger by the day. The smell of the decaying woman made me want to puke, which is odd cause from day one the smell hasn't affected me at all.

I finally built up enough strength to push the flesh craving monster off of me. I took my knife and plunged it right through its mushy skull. I smiled and pulled it out, "Take that you dirty bastard."

I stand up and wipe my hands on my pants. I sigh and continue walking to where ever this road brought me to.

My brother was a little further behind me so, I tried to slow down even though I was full of energy.

"Ash wait up!" He yelled, I could hear his heavy footsteps get closer to me. I rolled my eyes and stopped short causing him to collide with my back.

He fell onto his back and groaned. I turned around and started to help him up. I let go of his hand and started to laugh.

"Ashlynn, why are you laughing?" He asked.

"You fell on your ass. If you know me by now, you should know I laugh when people fall on their asses."

He gave me a dirty look and got up on his own. He mumbled something, to low for me to hear and angrily stomped pass me.

I smirked as we continued to walk.

•1 Hour Later•

"Damn, it's cold out." Bradley said, rubbing his hands together. I nodded my head in agreement but never said a word. It was dark and cold, and I was tired. I was in no mood for talking.

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