Chapter 75

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**the next day**
Althea's POV:
I woke up and realized today was sadly the last day, I hated leaving but better things will come in the future right?

I got dressed and put my hair up in a ponytail, And packed my things. I woke up pretty late because once I exited the hotel everyone was already getting ready for the hike to the hollywood sign,

It was 5 pm and we started walking at 2. I didn't realize how long it actually took. I was glad I wore something really comfortable.

I walked with Anna, Andrea and Jen,
Maria was holding hands with Jeff as they walked ahead of us, same with Mae but with mr athletic. Apparently his name was jack. (no not jack j or jack g) a different jack that went to dj's school.

At least I finally knew his name

And Haley and chandler were basically cuddling and holding hands as they walked up the hill faster than all of us,
Chandler and I don't talk anymore, but I was glad he found someone who made him happy.

"This trip was really fun" Anna said,
"And interesting" I included,

We all laughed, i hated how today was the last day we would be in Florida together, and then we would be back to going to regular classes everyday.

We walked some more and just got some really good laughs, my feet felt exhausted

but around 8 pm..

We finally got at the hollywood sign,

And it was absolutely beautiful.

The city lights were all you could see, and how the sky was simply stunning.

Everyone parted ways and sat somewhere else on a mat so we could star gaze, I hadn't seen hayes this whole day, so I thought he was with raffy or some of this other friends.

I lay on my mat, I took a spot farther away from everybody else because I thought it felt more peaceful.

I shut my eyes and let the sound of the wind take over me,

"Surprise" I heard a voice say, I opened my eyes and there was Hayes.

He sat beside me on the mat, and we just stared at each other for a moment,

"I'm sorry.." Hayes said,
"For what?"
"For everything, I'm sorry about every single thing I've done. I feel like it's been so long since we actually talked without arguing over something"
He smiled at me, and at that moment I wanted to tell him everything, how much I loved him..

I let out a small sigh,
"Hayes I-"

And he kissed me.

Every time we kissed the same memories flashed into my head, the kiss on the bus, the night at the camp..


And I loved that every time we kissed, it felt like the same thing all over again.

Like we were starting All over again.

He pulled away from the kiss, and our faces were face to face.

"I love you" Hayes said,

"I love you too hayes..."

And he took my hand and held it.

We stared at the stars for a moment, letting the silence do the speaking for us,

"Forever?" Hayes said to me, breaking the silence.

I felt my breathing stop for a moment and my heart drop.

"Hayes.. Were 13.. I don't think forever is an option"

He gave me a look,

Not sure if it was sadness or love or even hope.

He licked his lips and let his blue eyes scan my face,

"Fine.. But will you promise me something when were older?"

"Alright, but what's that?" I asked,

"Will you marry me?"

Hayes Grier fanfic: beneath the starsWhere stories live. Discover now