The Beginning

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Sliding my phone to the table I fell to my bed Jesus this week has been busy Rachael had just got married to some guy she fell head over heels for and was away and God only knew where Flow was, shit I missed my best mates I sided and let my body relax. I woke to my phone ringing I rubbed my eyes, this was the only day I got off in weeks I grumbled and grabbed my phone slide it without looking and husky said “yeah” “well afternoon handsome” I shot awake as I squeaked “Flow?” He giggled I said “Jesus Flow where are you? I bloody miss you, you bitch” he sided then said “I meet Rachael's mail order husband seems he wasn't the one that wanted her it was his mum and his so gay... Jazz I'm getting married” I screamed as I jumped out of bed he snickered when I picked up the phone again I said “you bitch I hate you” he said “love you too Jazz” a deep growl came near the phone I said “sweet Jesus was that him” I just heard “yeh” I said “you bitch your making out while talking to me” Flow sided then said “behave you, I'm talking to one of my best friends Jazz” the deep love said “don't care who he is no one gets that L word out of you but me from now on” Flow sided I could picture him rolling his eyes he said “sorry about him” he growled again Flow said “Joseph Hanson don't make me lock you out of our bedroom” he growled as he said “like to see you try keeping” Flow said “no I don't think that's a good idea to talk about can you just give me a minute with my maid of honor” I squeaked the deep voice said “alright but you better warn him about Oliver oh and the other thing if his sticking around” a door closed Flow said “so when can you get here?” I said “tomorrow too soon” he giggled as he said “I do miss you hon” I sided as I said “can't wait to see you” he said “and Jazz stay away from Oliver his a friend of Joseph but his a flint his a love them and leave them guy” I said “ohh one night of hot sex guy” he said “yeah I'll send you the address and sweet” I waited he said “there are a lot of wolves round here but most are nice so don't worry love ya” he hung up I ran to my bag time to get some time off with one of my best friends I packed as my phone buzzed I ran to it the address was in the middle of a forest down a dirt road Jesus where was this I pulled up my GPS this forest was private land owned to the Hanson family wait didn't Flow say his mans last name was Hanson sweet lord both my friends had fell in love with guys with money I shock my head I was happy for him and Rachael but I missed them.


Getting out of my truck Joseph smiled he said “hay best man” I pulled out the box then said “I picked it up today so how's Flow” Joseph growled “he invited his best friend well one of them the other is married the one that was going to marry me anyway your going to be good Flow wants his friend to stick round some” I smiled letting my leopard eyes come as I said “I'll be very nice” he said “no Oli I mean it you stay away” his eyes when to his wolf only strong shifters can shift just the eyes I growled he stepped forward as he said deeply “I mean this as your friend Oli leave Flows friend alone” I huffed then said “then you don't need a best man” he looked hurt he said “please just for me Oliver Jazz is Flows best friend his coming today to stay a bit please... Please for me” I sided then said “fine but if he comes on to me I'm not going to be the one to let that pass got it” he grabbed my shoulder then said “your a great friend Oli” I nodded as a small ford pulled up Joseph said “must be early” the door opened I sucked in air his hair was long and red his skin was light tan and his eyes where pure green I swallowed sweet lord he was perfect Joseph said “shit that can't be him” he turned our way then pulled out the biggest bag I ever saw Joseph door opened and Flow squeaked “Jazz!” and ran at the man I hissed and Joseph glowed low Flow said “stop it Joseph and Oliver what's up with you?” The smaller man said “oh” his eyes burnt over my body I looked at Joseph he said “sweet I think Jazz needs to get away from you” Flow shock his head then said “come on hon I got you the best guest room and I want to show you my suit Joseph hasn't seen it” Jazz smiled then said “I hate you bitch” Flow smiled then said “I know but your day will come” they passed me a smell of cat nip and summer morning drew I shock sweet lord I close my eyes as I purred Joseph said “sweet lord” I opened my eyes he said “him? Oliver?” I ran a hand in my hair then said “I better go” I turned into my leopard self and ran into the forest I knew I had to be careful this forest wasn't my national home were my leopard's I was one of ten still alive all of us are shifters like me yet none wanted to mix or find there mate they just wanted to group sex one of the things I learn fast never love just one I did care for a leopard like me long time ago but he turned against me and fucked four other leopards I ran faster my leopard felt my need to run away from my hurt.

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