Chapter 4

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Kagome did not recall falling asleep in the bathroom next thing she knows she's in her bed, her cheek pressed against something warm and hard she groans slightly opening her eyes.

Looking around, she blushes once she notices that she is laying on Sesshomaru on her bed then her eyes widen quickly looking down at her body and sees that she is dressed in the clothes that she had laid out before her bath.

Kagome looks back up at Sesshomaru blushing madly, but his eyes remain closed and his breathing slow and even and for once he looks relaxed to her, she smiles, then lays her head back down on his chest noticing he had taken his armor off.

Once again, Kagome falls asleep and next time she wakes up Sesshomaru was rubbing her back gently and moving the hair from her face, she smiles up at him then pecks his lips before getting up slowly Sesshomaru following behind.

Kagome opens her closet, pulling out an outfit for today along with some clothes to pack to bring back to the feudal era, she the grabs her outfit for today and disappears into the bathroom to bathe.

Sesshomaru stands in the middle of the room looking around, spotting odd devices in here as well, but does not move to investigate them he patiently waits for his mate to return.

Twenty minutes pass and Kagome finally comes out fully dressed and smelling fresh she is drying her hair with the towel while locking eyes with Sesshomaru "We can return today if you want but I need to stock up on some supplies my first aid is running low"

Sesshomaru nods slightly "This Sesshomaru shall accompany you" Kagome sighs "I knew you were gonna say that but um you need to hide your markings and your fur and I will go dig up my dads old clothes for you to borrow"

Sesshomaru nods as Kagome leaves the room placing an incantation on his body to make his marks and fur invisible Kagome then returns with black slacks and a red button down shirt along with socks and shoes plus a pair of boxers.

She places them on her desk "Um I don't know if you will need help so I guess I will turn my back to you and talk you through it" Sesshomaru nods as Kagome turns away.

He had managed to figure everything out, but the buttons on his shirt "This Sesshomaru requires assistance" Kagome slowly turns just in case he is not clothes sighing in relief that he is.

She makes her way towards him buttoning his shirt up, then explain how to put the socks on and tie the shoes after Sesshomaru is ready they head towards the city.

They spent a few hours for Kagome to get more supplies before they head back for her to repack her bag with the things she needs once again she finds herself in Sesshomaru's arms heading down the well.

Once they pass over they make their way to Kaede's village to regroup with her friends, they were not there for long before Sesshomaru dismissed himself with Rin, Jaken, and Ah-Un to go back west to handle some business.

A few weeks pass before Sesshomaru returns to the village scenting something wrong in the air, he quickens his pace towards Kaede's hut opening the curtain like door.

He growls spotting no Kagome then heads towards the well once he arrives, he she's Kagome sitting on the lip of the well clad in a Miko garb he makes his way towards her "Kagome?"

Kagome flinches slightly before turning her head to face him making him growl once again spotting dry tear tracks and a hand shaped bruising around her neck.

Sesshomaru reaches her pulling her up into a tight but gentle hug making her cry into his shoulder gripping onto him for dear life moments pass before she calms down "Tell this Sesshomaru what happened"

Kagome nods slightly before pulling away "Inuyasha and Kikyo returned while you were gone they wanted the jewel but I wouldn't give it to them so they attacked me, Kikyo shot me in the shoulder with an arrow to stun me giving Inuyasha a chance to choke me"

Sesshomaru growls louder moving her head around to look at her neck "They failed I still have the jewel but they ran away when Sango and Miroku came"

Sesshomaru nods once again before retuning to Kaede's hut with Kagome he sits against the wall pulling Kagome into his lap she instantly snuggles her face into his neck.

A few moments pass before her breathing evens out and she is asleep Sesshomaru stays up the whole time rubbing her back gently to chase away any bad dreams.

Kagome slept peacefully the whole night by the time morning came her neck was lined with angry bruises and she could hardly speak and eat leaving Sesshomaru in a pissed off mood.

Sesshomaru watches Kagome slowly attempt to drink broth his inner demon is in distress knowing his mate is suffering and he wasn't there to stop it from happening.

All Sesshomaru knows now is he will remain by his mate's side without leaving her and he will handle Inuyasha and dead Miko for their doings.

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