Chapter 3

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Sesshomaru looks at Kagome's face while in deep thought she has protected my ward and She has risked herself for this Sesshomaru he smirks slightly.

Sesshomaru's inner demon growls in interest 'She will make a fine mate to bear pups' Sesshomaru shakes his head lightly then falls into a light sleep.

Morning comes rousing Kagome from her slumber, she groans feeling the pain and throbbing in her chest, she slowly sits up not seeing Sango or Miroku or Kaede in the hut.

Sesshomaru watches her closely "They left to go check the area near the well to make sure the half-breed isn't there." Kagome nods slightly.

A few moments pass in silence "We must change your bandages and apply salve for it this Sesshomaru promises to not look" Kagome nods blushing deeply.

Kagome moves from his lap to sit in front of him with Sesshomaru's help she manages to apply the salve herself, but he had to wrap the bandages around her going quick but gentle as possible.

After it was done Kagome laid her head on his leg her eyes closing and her breathing evening out minutes pass and Kaede walks in Sesshomaru looks at her "Priestess I don't sense her reiki healing her."

Kaede nods "Kagome reiki is very weak everytime she heals someone or purifies such a gigantic aura it is like a piece of her is taken and can't regenerate fast enough before it used"

Sesshomaru looks down at Kagome as Kaede continues "It would be better is she goes back to her own time" Sesshomaru looks up to her confused "Ah I see she hasn't informed you if she goes through the well she will go five hundred years into the future."

Sesshomaru nods "I shall bring her in the afternoon when she had awaken" Kaede then leaves to go gather food for Kagome for when she is up.

An hour passes and Kagome is leaning against Sesshomaru's side eating her porridge as Sango packs Kagome's belongings and Rin sits across from them chattering away.

Sesshomaru looks at Kagome "This Sesshomaru shall take you home and Rim you shall wait here with the demon slayer and the monk." Rin surprisingly agreed.

Kagome looks at him, shocked "Um I don't know if you will be able to come through though, but it is worth a shot" she then returns to eating, then finally they are finally ready to go Sesshomaru sheds his Haori putting it on her and tying it closed.

Sesshomaru carries Kagome to the well with her friends following behind to say their goodbyes until they return when they get there they separated after saying goodbye with the kids almost in tears.

Sesshomaru stands on the lip of the well with Kagome clinging to him tightly "I don't know if it will let you through, but please don't drop me." Sesshomaru nods slightly "This Sesshomaru promises to not drop you."

Kagome smiles as Sesshomaru jumps in the well the all familiar blue light engulfs her making her shut her eyes, feeling nauseated then she could feel the air change and arms still holding her up.

Kagome slowly opens her eyes looking up seeing the Wellhouse then looks over at Sesshomaru, who is taking everything in Kagome smiles then he turns his direction towards her.

"You can just jump out and head out now" Sesshomaru nods jumping out and landing gracefully outside the well then heading towards the doors before he steps out Kagome warns him "The smell and sound might be a little much for you."

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