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"There's a gold helicopter outside!" A hundred people launched themselves to the door of my step mom's club, West wing. I pushed my way to the front of the crowd and was amazed. In front of me stood a gold plated helicopter with diamond encrusted seats. The pilot got out and, muttering under his breath, opened the back area. A man holding a gold plated tray with two champagne glasses on it stepped out.

I walked out to meet the waiter. I took a glass and turned to see the crowd of amazed people. To be perfectly honest, I was still amazed myself. I knew Cassandra and Tony were rich but not this rich!

"I would just like to say thank you to whoever organised this for me. You have really taken the time to understand me!" There was a cough and then a familiar face stepped forward, clapping.

"Wow! You really thought all this was for you? Well PRINCESS it's not. This is all mine! By the way Bernard you look smashing today! What sparkling juice is this? It smells gorgeous!"

"It's orange and mandarin, sir! Thank you, it's a new suit."

"Well you look tremendous!"

"TEX?" I was furious! What type of joke was this?

"Yes, darling?"

"Stop being funny and give me back my champagne!"

"Honey, there are two things you need to know: one, my name is Aubyn Steve jobs III. Two: it's not yours. Everybody, I would like to invite you to a party in Hawaii! I will send over some helicopters for you!"

There was a cheer and he walked over to the crowd. He handed the bottle to Penny and gave her a soft kiss on the lips. She smiled and they strolled back to the helicopter. He climbed in and offered his hand to Penny. I would have given anything to be Penny at that moment.

They flew away and then a whole fleet of helicopters landed. Everyone was boarding them. I decided to go too. I mean a party? I stomped off towards Demi and Paige.

"Hey girls!" They shifted uncomfortably and slammed the door. Nobody wanted to sit with me. I even went over to the geeky girls who had braces and glasses and textbooks under their arms all the time. Even they thought they were too good for me.

I found a helicopter with no one in it so I went to open the door. It was nice inside, not quite as nice as Tez's one but this would do. Soon, we were arriving and the place they had picked was a natural beauty. They had put up fairy lights on each tree which added a warm pink glow over the clearing. There was a small bar which I headed over to. They only had soft drinks so I ordered a sprite.

I sat down on a stool by the bar. Tez or Aubyn as he was, was walking towards me with a charming smile.

"Hey. You okay?" I nodded. Why was he acting all nice guy with me after he made me look like a complete idiot?

"I'll have a portion of fries please." The staff brought them over and he offered me a chip.

"Why are you being nice to me? It was you who made me look like an idiot!"

"Look, I'm sorry. Can we start over? It was just a mistake. There's no reason people should laugh at you!" I took a fry.

"We need some ketchup!" Aubyrn produced a bottle and we sat for hours, eating fries and chatting.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2017 ⏰

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