Chapter 5

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Damnit, the hands of procrastination took a hold of me once again. I keep getting held in their grips from time to time.

There's only one way to escape: Now, where's my slipper...?


Y/N's P.O.V

You open your eyes groggily, the whole world seemed a bit blurry and a pounding headache followed you. You grumble as your head kept throbbing in pain.

"My head... where---" You were briefly cut off as a voice spoke up. "You're in a house inside the ruins. Don't worry, it's safe here."

Looking around for the source of the voice, you spot a familiar brunette sitting on the edge of your bed. She had an indiffirent look on her face as she stared at the wall with a blank look.

"Are... are you okay?" You asked in worry, Chara's head whipped around and fixed at you, suprise etched into her features, "What? You're not going to ask 'What happened?' or anything relevant, just... if i'm okay?" She hesitantly said, her voice going lower at each word uttered.

You chuckle softly and she glared at you, "Why are you laughing?" She ominously asked. Your chuckles promptly disappeared and sweat trickled down your face, "N-nothing! It's just that... you looked really cute for a second there."

Caught by suprise, her face reddened. "W-what are you s-spouting about!?" She shouted. You winced a bit from the loud shout and your headache, elliciting a groan to escape from your mouth and prompting you to hold your head, as if to comfort it.

"You... you're not used to compliments, aren't you?"

She furiously protested at the statement, "You just caught me by suprise! That's all!"

"Heeh, really? But seriously, you're cute and pretty, You can't deny that," You complimented, emphasizing the 'cute' and 'pretty' part. You smirked to yourself as you saw the furiously blushing Chara sputtering unintelligable sentences.

Chapter 5: Stay Smooth..

Frisk (?)'s P.O.V

Alphys' lab. Home of the dinosaur-monster, and to the almalgamates inside True Lab.

While contemplating my plan of action, a familiar yellow flower sprouted from the ground. Flowey shook off small pieces of tiles that stuck to his body when he appeared from the tiled floor.

"...That was a stupid move," I dryly commented. Flowey stopped his actions and gave an unimpressed look, "You're moving too fast, how am I supposed to catch up to you!?" He shouted.

He quickly quieted down and stopped his inecessant whining when I swung my weapon, a burnt frying pan, towards his direction. It narrowly missed hitting him square in the face, this was intentional, however.

"...Quit your whining, you are disposable; I would kill you if you hadn't proposed your pitiful request." I barked back. Flowey whimpered at the sudden change of voice.

"...Chara..." Flowey mumbled. Unfortunately for him, I heard his mumblings.

"What?" I shot him a glare, he yelped at the response but quickly recovered himself. "I knew it... it is you," He tried to smile, but I shot him a look that petrified him.

"It matters not If I am Chara or some other human, what matters is that you don't disappoint me." I stated. Neither I nor Flowey gave out a response as silence engulfed as. Twitching at the uncomfortable silence and realizing my time is being wasted, I shot him another glare, "...So?"

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