Chapter 4

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Build the suspense and story, romance later.


Y/N's P.O.V

"Ugh, what happened?"

You opened your eyes and found yourself in a dark place, the only light that illuminated the place was a faint light coming from above. On the walls were mossy stone and fallen rubble.

"I... fell down the hole? How'd I survive? Most importantly, where... am I?" You muttered. Looking around, you weren't able to spot anything peculiar with the walls and ceiling. Picking yourself up, you her the soft brush of your hands against flowers which prompted you to look down.

Vibrant yellow flowers surround your figure. You stepped out of the flowerbed and inspected it further. Nothing particularly strange besides the flowers themselves; in which grew below ground and inside a chasm of a mountain.

"Weird, what kind of flowers are these?" You said curiously, poking the nearby yellow flower with the tip of your finger. Knowing that no one would answer your question, you grumbled, "Gotta stop talking to myself..."

"Those are buttercups."

Chapter 4: Stay Perceptive.

You jumped back in shock at the unfamiliar voice behind you. You jumped back and landed back on the flowerbed as you look towards the person you were looking at. The person looked exactly like the girl in your dreams, except that her hair was light brown like sweet chocolate and she wore a green sweater with a single yellow line horizontally across the center.

On her neck was a familiar pendant, the one that a certain silhouette-like figure had which caused you to fall down the hole.

"Who are you? Wait, you're that person behind me before I fell down, right?" I asked. The person, who looked like a girl, nodded and extended a hand for me to grab. I nervously looked at the hand and hesitantly grabbed it, lifting myself up with her help.

"Sorry about that, didn't mean to scare you," She waved her hands in a dismissive-defensive motion, "A proper introduction is in order," She cleared her throat.

"Greetings, I am Chara. The demon that comes when you call it's name."

"Demon?" I cocked my head in confusion. "Yes, but I'm more like a ghost right now," She responded. I stared at the hand that I still gripped on. She noticed the puzzled expression on my face and did something I couldn't believe with my own eyes.

The formerly tangible hand that held onto mine suddenly felt lighter, like it wasn't there. Then she moved her hand away, phasing through mine and retreated it to her side. I looked at her dumbfounded.

"Wha-how?" I stared wide-eyed at the short spectacle, she grinned. "I told you, I'm a ghost. But enough of that, isn't it proper to start you introduction?" She reminded me, I snapped back from my stupor and decided to inspect the unbelievable thing later.

"R-right. My name's Y/N L/N, nice to meet you, Chara." I nervously smiled, half-forced. She nodde in acknowledgement and gestured me to follow her. My head was clouded with many questions at the moment and simply followed her as she moved towards a purple archway which I didn't see earlier.

I opened my mouth to ask her questions, only for her to beat me to it. "So..." She started before facing me, piercing red orbs staring at my own E/C eyes, "I'll be blunt about this, I don't like humans and that includes you." She pointed an accusing finger at my direction. "But you conveniently came just when there's trouble here, so I'll need your help. Before you ask, no, I can't do anything because I'm a ghost."

O...kay?" I drawed out, "So what do you need help with, Chara?"

"Glad you asked, I need your help in stopping Fri---" She stopped mid-sentence and silence filled the underground ruins, then she grabbed my hand and bolted. I shouted in suprise at the sudden movement, ellicting a glare from Chara, "Shut up and keep running!"

I forcefully swept my hand away from her hold and stopped running, she stopped as well and looked back at me with confusion and irritation on her face, "What are you doing?"

"Stop forcing me to do things! First you make me fall down that hole, then you make me do something that you apparently can't do, then you force me to run! I mean, give me some time to do things on my own, will you!?" I snapped at the brunette, she widened her eyes in the short outburst and awkward silence engulfed us.

Then, she sighed and closed her eyes, "Fine, we're being chased by a monster named Flowey. If he catches you, you might die," Chara explained and I tripped at her statement. "Flora--- what now?"

"Flowe---" She, unfortunately, got cut off by a loud voice directly behind me.

"Why are you running, human?" A loud and overly cheerful voice called out behind me, I whirred around to see a small flower with a face.

"What...? What the he---" i was cut off by an unnatural feeling enter my body, I felt myself getting stretched from the inside and my eyes felt like they were burning, no, my whole body was.

Before I even knew it, I passed out.


Chara's P.O.V

With the situation as it is now, I had to act fast. Asri--- Flowey couldn't see me at the moment as I turned myself invisible at the very second he popped up from the ground.

Seeing as it's my best option, I relunctantly gulped and pushed myself inside Y/N's body. My intention was simple, I will possess him and knocm Flowey out before escaping.

I did the deed just as he was talking, cutting him off mid-sentence. Possession worked best when the target is unaware, after all. With his giard down, he didn't resist until I managed to take over most of his senses, ending with his brain.

I saw white for a brief moment before my eyes snapped open.

I looked at Y/N's body with his own eyes. I would have screamed in delight at the thought of managing to possess a body, if not for the fact that Flowey was in front of me and the possession will break soon.

Without hesitation, I delivered a kick to Flowey's face and started running away, with an angry Flowey in tow.

I navigated from route to route, puzzle to puzzle. Then suddenly, I felt something I haven't felt in ages: Exhaustion. I looked behind me and found myself relaxing, finsing no signs of Flowey anywhere, slowing down my sprinting to a halt, I supported Y/N's body on the side of a trunk, I wept away the sweat rolling down Y/N's face.

Then I doubled back at seeing the familiar house in front of me. Sighing in relief that Mo-... Toriel's house was ahead, I picked this currently possessed body up and strolled towards the homely, yet eerily quiet house.


Probably the shortest chapter I'm gonna publish; hopefully this is the shortest.

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