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     During my last two years of college, a favor for a friend turned into a brief side job. The idea was not original,  I had seen it on a talk show. To my complete amazement, it quickly became a lucrative business.

     A nearby bar, adopted as a student hangout, is where the plan hatched. One fateful night, a group of us, all female, were congregated around a table, laden with drinking glasses, both empty and full.  A few shot glasses were in the shadows of the larger drinking tumblers. The chit chat, that particular evening, centered around the male species, specifically, infidelity.

     Sara, one of the quieter of the circle, had become engaged within the last few weeks. She finally broke her silence, intoning dryly of her beloved, and  intended husband, "Well, if Drew is going to cheat on me, I would want to know now; not after the wedding; not two kids, a house and a dog later."

     Agreeing, we all giggled along with her, but silently sympathized with the unfortunate women who had property disputes and custody battles, one messy divorce later. Taking another swig of my white zinfandel, my gaze traveled the faces of my friends.

     Statistically, we would all marry within the next several years, and athough I wished us all a happy life, those same numbers also said that over half of us would be divorced within three years of marriage.

     Maybe it was the alcohol that emboldened me, but a crazy inspiration struck. "Sara, you know, you could test him..."

     Uncertainly, her eyes rivited, from the fresh round the waitress had just set down, to mine. Sara held a 4.0 GPA, despite the partying and late nights of our group, and because of her intellect, she likely envisioned the track I was traveling, even as she asked, "What do you mean?"

     The idea was sneaky and bordered on entrapment. Maybe I should abandon it now, before I lost face among this group of acquaintances. Throwing caution into the air, I blurted, "Send someone to test him."

     "Test him?"  She echoed.

     "Test him." I repeated, more firmly, as the idea took shape. "Send someone to hit on him, see what he does."

     Immediately, everyone's full attention locked onto me. Sara was quiet as she stared blankly in the vicinity of my face for the longest. Just when I was about to squirm, rebuffed in my seat, she asked, "Like who?"

     "I don't know," My reply was automatic, then hesitantly the offer left my lips, "I would if you wanted."

     Suddenly, she seemed embarrassed with the turn of the conversation, and I lied quickly for the benefit of everyone else. "Hey, I was only joking. To dupe someone like that would be so wrong, even if he is male."

     The ensuing laughter was loud, and the moment passed. But later that night, my incoming call ID flashed with Sara's name and number.  "Let's do it."

     Soft speculation had sheened her eyes, even after the subject had been dropped, earlier that night, so the call didn't come as much of a surprise. "Are you sure?"

     Sara was positive, and the plans were laid.

    Drew, the probationary fiance, had never met me, and I ambushed him at his workplace, a sound shop. Pretending to be interested in a car stereo, I engaged in small talk, and eventually, after some flirting, worked the conversation around to asking him out. Like a prince from a fairy tale, he declined, letting me know in no uncertain terms that he was engaged to be married.

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