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*Requested* This one might be kinda longer than the previous one

It was February 14th, you know what day that is right? Valentine's day. Of course you loved valentine's day. The nicer boys would spend their days with their girlfriends other than their friends, surprising them with flowers in class, A whole lot of PDA, you know.. all the good stuff. Except this year was different.. you had no one.

All of your friends were either in relationships or were on the edge of getting into one. And then there was you. Of course you had your eye on someone, but that someone was your best friend, Alex Standall, and in all honesty..It didn't seem like it was going to go any further than that.

At lunch you would usually sit with your usual group of friends in the cafeteria, but today was differently. Justin invited you and Jess to sit with them on the 'jocks table' and when I say 'you and Jess' I really mean Jess, but she dragged you along because all of your friends were with their 'other halves'

You didn't realise that you were daydreaming until your vision cleared and you had saw Jessica waving a hand in front of your face. "heeeelllooooo? anyone in there?" she asked. You shook your head, trying to gain focus.

"oh yeah, sorry. what was that?" you asked. Jess sighed sarcastically.

"I saaaaiddd. Are you coming to my party tonight? It is a special occasion after all.. and who knows? Maybe you'll find your prince charming, eh?" She winked.

"Sure, I'll go. But if i see at least 10 couples making out, I swear i will throw up" You rolled your eyes.

"That's fine by me, It starts at 7 so make sure you're on ti-"

"-YES!! I'D LOVE TO GO OUT WITH YOU!!" You heard a girl shout from the other table in the cafeteria.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" You grumbled. You grabbed your bag and left the cafeteria, walking to your car, deciding to give it an early start and get ready for Jess' party. You didn't understand. Was there something wrong with you? Why didn't anyone want to be with you? So many questions flooded your mind. But the truth is, you didn't care if loads of people didn't 'fancy' you. You wanted one person and one person only. Why couldnt the blonde haired beauty love you? Because you were best friends, that's why. Had been since Middle school, would be till 'death do you part'.

Being with Alex would make things complicated, You loved the friendship you had. You wouldn't dream of ruining it, even if that meant keeping your feelings to yourself. You would NOT lose your best friend, your world even, due to a stupid crush.

You decided to have a shower and get ready for the party, that was until you got a text from Alex.
[Bold is Alex]

'Heyy, you going to Jess' party? xox'

'of course, will i see you there?? xox'

'definitely :) xox'

'look forward to it, see you later xox' With that you gave yourself a small smile in the mirror and turned off you phone. After deciding on an outfit you did your hair and makeup. You chose a burgundy dress, coming down to your mid thigh with lace sleeves, and Burgundy shoes to match.

*Time skip to the party*

You were down the road from Jess' house and you could already hear the music blaring. You knew that the party would just be filled with horny teenagers but you knew that if you didn't go, you would regret it.

You opened the front door and stepped inside, the stench of sweat and alcohol hitting you immediately. You continued to walk further into the house to find Jess. But there she was, straddling Justin with her tongue down his throat. You rolled your eyes and wandered off to the kitchen to get a drink. You thought you might lighten up if you had alcohol in your system.

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