Chapter 4

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The rest of the school day went pretty well, I have to say; it's werd really how an event can influence the rest of your day, maybe even week sometime. Lunch was interesting, I had a steady stream of my female friends congratulating me, and once the guys realised what had happened, I got the typical "lad" response of patting the back and making obscure sexual implications, even though I'd been going out with Mattie for a matter of hours. I laughed along though, I'd had my run with girls in the group before and I knew how people would react more or less. I didn't see Mattie much after I asked her out though, due to exam revision sessions and some differing lessons and free periods. I would see her later, but Lily said dad was back from his job this evening, so I should see him while I have the chance.. My dad is a scientific researcher and usually his line of work, to do with radiation, is so important that he has to legitimately sleep at his workplace. Every now and again he would return to see us and bring us little gifts from his travels home. It wasn’t long until it was time to leave college. Lily was waiting in the car park listening to the radio when I approached the car. I tried opening the door, but it was locked, so I banged on the window and peered through at her making a turning motion with my hand, trying to represent, unlock the door. She reached over and pulled the door handle to unlock it. I got into the car promptly and we set off back home. As we got onto the road, the usual after school chat began. 

“How was college then?” she asked

“Great... and your day sat on your arse?” I smiled back

“I was doing a creative writing piece actually!” she snapped, giving me evil eyes, “and “great” is not the usual response to anything education based from you, what happened?”

“Well, let’s say that your little brother is seeing someone now” I said in a self impressed way

“Ooooh, who’s the unlucky one?” Lily replied. I knew she was happy for me, she was just playing out the sisterly-brotherly hatred

“Her name’s Mattie, you remember her?” I said, taking no notice of her negative comment, “She was the one that I invited round to do a psychology project that one time, where you decided to nearly burn the house down...”

“Ohhh, I remember, yeah, she’s nice, good job.” she complimented.

“Say nothing to mum, she’ll go psycho and huggy and...”

“Yeah, you got my word bro” she cut in, “I remember when I told mum about Tony... I got a lecture about guys and safe sex and all that shit...”

“Exactly, I’d rather it slip into a conversation in a couple of weeks...”

“Safest way with her... I swear my children will never have to suffer that sort of conversation around me...”

The chat continued as we drove through the congested mayhem that was the town during winter due to the icy roads. It took twice the usual amount of time to get back home. When I entered the house, after thanking Lily for the lift, I ran up to my room to put my bag down, and turned on my laptop update Facebook. To my surprise, Mattie had already updated her relationship status and was just waiting for my confirmation, which I gladly accepted. The usual comments came through congratulating us. At this time, I would usually turn on my PS3 and continue playing Skyrim, which I had gotten addicted to; tonight however, I sat and talked with Mattie on Facebook, apologising for not seeing her that much today, and just general chat. My dad arrived home approximately an hour after I had gotten back. I went downstairs to greet him with a hug. My dad was now around 40 years old and his hair was starting to grey, under his faded brown hair. He carried a briefcase and wore jeans a, shirt and a jumper. He usually keeps his work clothes at work to avoid the hassle of getting it washed at home and it getting lost, like many of our clothes do.

“Hi Jake! How’ve you been?” he said, embracing me

“Good, you?” I reply

“Better now that I’m home” he told me. This was his usual reply to coming home from work. I can’t imagine he enjoys staying at work most of the time.

He handed me a bag of goodies, including some sweets, work branded stress balls and pens and a laser pen.

“I know it’s not much, but I’ve run out of ideas all these years” he apologised

“No dad, it’s great! I don’t expect you get me anything really, because you being home is gift enough as it is” I replied, trying to make him feel better

“Well if that’s the case, I won’t bring back anything next time!” He smiled, I knew he was joking, the reason he got gifts for us was his way of apologising for never being around, so I accept them on that basis.

It wasn’t long either before we were all sat round the table enjoying my mother’s cooking. Dad usually complimented mum’s food, saying it was much better than the “muck” he got back at the research facility. Tonight, however, he sat quite quietly and playing a bit with his food.

“Something not right with the food Melvin? I haven’t burnt anything have I?” Mum spoke up

“No, Audrey, the food is lovely, there’s just something I’ve got to tell all of you.” He replied, standing up, “Family, I don’t know how to say this... but we have to move home...”

This was a complete shock to the system. Naturally we enquired why.

“We got word today that the North Koreans are not happy with the Americans... They’ve threatened to lock missiles on them, nuclear missiles. We, in the UK, have been working on ways to protect ourselves should a situation like this occur. What I have been working on all these year was a facility called Project RadioSafe. It is essentially a massive radiation-proof dome in the middle of nowhere which can provide shelter for humans.”

“How many?” I asked

“Enough.” He replied

I felt I was in a nightmare, my friends faces flashed through my mind. And Mattie. I ran. Up the stairs and into my room, locking and barricading it before lying on my bed, face on my pillow crying. Various knocks and the sounds of attempting the opening of my door were heard, along with my mum and my dad’s voice. I blocked them out. My life was finally looking up for once, and now it was all being taken away from me. I didn’t even get to enjoy being in a relationship with someone I had had a crush on since the start of college... and now I have to move home... and I may never see my friends again... 

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