Chapter 20

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"William Hephaistion Malfoy! You are NEVER touching me again!"

Poppy looked up from her place between the young Gryffindor's knees to see how the Master Vampire was taking the abuse.

"Breathe, Luv, breathe."

Harrys face went even redder once his contraction ended, "If you tell me to breathe again you dead excuse for a man I'll rip your lungs out!"

Poppy was glad her grin was covered by a mask; she didn't need her emotional patient aiming his ire her way.

"Push Mister Potter," she said as the teen opened his mouth to harangue his mate again.

"Aaaaahhhhhhh," the brunette howled.


"Oh Will! Look at our beautiful baby girl!"

Poppy grinned openly this time. She hadn't gotten to attend many births in her life, but the quick about-face in temperament of the 'mother' always amused her.

Lillith Calixte Potter-Malfoy, the first ever Wizard/Vampire hybrid was born at 3:33 am on January twenty-first. Weighing in at seven pounds and fourteen ounces, the little blonde was actually double the size of most babies from a male pregnancy.

William, she was pleased to see, was absolutely smitten with his daughter and seemed to have completely forgotten the last four hours of abuse his little mate had heaped upon him. Once everything had been cleaned and the baby given to the tired Gryffindor, William had crawled into the bed and cradled both mate and child against him, purring all the while.

Angel and Lucius had been admitted to the room briefly for the naming ceremony, but no on else besides the nurse would be allowed into the room for the next seven days - an old Wizarding tradition that helped both parents and child to bond magically and emotionally. Besides which, it would give the vampire's demon a chance to imprint with the child and prevent any fits of jealousy that would lead to a considerable amount of bloodshed and violence.

Slipping quietly from the room she was surprised to find the new Headmaster of the school waiting for her. She wasn't sure what time it was exactly, but surely classes had already started.

Nodding to the vampire and the Auror guards in the hallway she joined the Headmaster on the visitor's bench.

"Good morning Sir."

"And good morning to you too Mistress Pomphrey. How are our esteemed guests?"

"Excellent Headmaster." She smiled, "Lillith and Harry are healthy and resting quietly."

"Wonderful, wonderful. I take it the guards have had no problems?"

"None that they've reported to me Sir." Poppy glanced at the two men on either side of Harry's door. The Auror nodded, confirming her words while the vampire continued to ignore them all.

"Good. I'm sure this is the least of Mister Potter-Malfoy's concerns, but Miss Granger has kindly offered to take notes for her friend in the classes they share and young Draco will cover the rest."

Poppy smirked, "It's good to know Harry's education will not suffer."

The man sniffed, "Indeed. There has been quite enough of that around here! Honestly, seven years on the Goblin Rebellions? Outrageous!"

The nurse laughed outright at that. Binns had been a sore point for the American Professor since the day he set foot in the castle.

After Harry's rescue, Lucius Malfoy had instigated a full scale investigation of the school and the actions of its staff, namely one Albus Dumbledore. A month later the investigation was still ongoing but enough bad policy and inaction had been uncovered to dismiss the once great man.

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