Chapter 5

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Harry leaned back against William's chest with a gasp as the blonde's cool hand snaked its way into his trousers. Pushing back against the vampire's own growing bulge, he lifted his small wrist to William's waiting mouth.

It was quick and dirty.

It was in a broom closet.

It was the third mark.


Thursday evening, Harry found himself stretched out on William's bed completely naked.

"Tonight Luv, tonight...."

"Yesssss!" Harry hissed as the vampire lowered his fanged mouth to the teen's chest.


Friday morning Harry was ignoring his dorm mate's calls. He didn't care if he missed breakfast or even Herbology.

He was basking in his new situation, the possibilities of which were just now making themselves known.

He'd been shagged within an inch of his life twice now and received not only a 'hand job' as his friends called it but a 'blowjob' from his lover – experiences he was sure outnumbered those of the entire dorm added together; well, except for Seamus, he was such a man-whore.

He was married for all intents and purposes to a creature so powerful, Muggles and Wizards alike feared them. He was bound-joined-tied to a vampire over a century old in a bond that would last even unto death.

Harry's eyes went wide.

He...he didn't have to go back to the Dursley's!

His shout of joy echoed off the empty dorm room walls.


It seemed like only minutes but in truth it was a few hours later when a voice interrupted his musings.

"Ahem...Mister Potter."

Harry rolled his eyes from behind the safety of his bed curtains. He didn't want to deal with McGonagall and her Disapproving-Death-Stare as the Gryffindors called it.

"Yes, Professor?" he called.

"I understand you have missed both Herbology and Lunch."

"Yes Ma'am," he answered, silently praying that she'd go away, "I'm not feeling all that well."

They both knew it was a lie and that she wouldn't call him on it.

"Be that as it may, Mister Potter, the Headmaster would like to see you in his office in thirty minutes."

"Yes Ma'am."

He waited until his Head of House's footsteps faded away before sliding out of bed for a quick shower and change of clothes.


Harry thought that if the old man's eyes twinkled any more, they'd all be blind. Currently they sat in the Headmaster's office with Madam Pomfrey and Professors McGonagall and Snape. While the Medi-Witch looked embarrassed, McGonagall was her usual stoic self. The Potion's Master just looked slightly more annoyed than usual.

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