07/22/17 - 07/24/17

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so things are usual. except.. i confessed to this guy named ** and sent this big ass letter :

Dear **** *******,

Congrats! You have received a message from a chubby, ugly, and goody-two-shoes girl. I will expect you to NOT see this message, but I guess you will. Expect this message to be cringy but cheesy! 
Okay, here it goes!...I admit it, I like you. Like, like like you. I can't help myself but fangirl when you just say one word! But, I'm proud of myself! I can talk to you and stuff. But the thing is, I'm nervous. Nervous that I'll embarrass myself in front of you.

There IS 100% chance that you'll never like me back, since you like boys instead. Also I noticed that you fanboyed when a boy came inside the Library when we were at the Book Lovers' election! 

The day when your classmate pranked me and said "I like you"? I was blushing for fucks sake! You said that it was not you who sent it, but Carla didn't even believe you! 

*****, sweet *****. She helped me to get close to you, yet what now? What's this? LOSING OUR FRIENDSHIP.

Yes, I can see everybody confessing, but they get rejected and ignored instead. I know how they feel, because I've experienced that too. But I held my head up high and continued loving him. Guess what? HE STILL DOESN'T LIKE ME BACK FOR PETE'S SAKE. HOW SHAME OF ME.

Life's a joke, yeah? But for those who got rejected has to accept the fate they receive, and MOVE ON.

That's all! Hehe! So.. I don't know if you're going to respond or not, it's okay. Tell this to Carla or anyone if you want! also, ignore me please? I know you follow orders.

- J :) 

also my crush saw the letter and told me "let's talk later" so yeah we talked in Messenger about nursing and stuff.

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