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At some point, Mark's hand slipped from her arm to her hand, making Yesol feel a new kind of warmth that started from the tingle in her fingertips and made it's way down to her toes. He didn't look back at her as it guided her with him, and all she can do was stare at his back, admiring the way his shoulders stretched and his hair fell along the back of his neck.

She knew it may be sinful for her to think about much of a man he looked like when he was her student, but she just couldn't help herself.

He wasn't just her student.

That in itself was heart wrenching for her.

It seemed like they walked a pretty far distance before the trees finally began to clear, slowly opening up into a clearing. "I didn't even know the forest went this far out." She joked, glancing anxiously around all of the trees.

Any sane person would've been nervous to have someone she just met lead her into the woods, but she figured she was already past insanity. And she had never trusted anyone more in her life.

At the other end of the clearing sat a grayish-blue house, maybe three stories. It was simple, she noted, with no outdoor decor and plain white curtains dressing the windows. A porch wrapped around the entire width of the house. Although it wasn't extravagant, it was still very pleasing to the eyes.

"Where exactly are we?" She finally couldn't keep her questions back, and they all began to pour out of her, her curiosity taking control of her actions. "Why is there a house like this in the woods?"

Mark continued to slowly lead her toward the house, letting go of her hand once they cleared the tree line and the worry of her getting lost was gone. "It's my house."

"Why do you live in the woods?" She frowned when his touch disappeared, but ignored the cold that set over the surface of her skin. "Do you live alone?"


"What exact-"

The words caught in her throat, her unfinished questioning coming out as a yelp when he suddenly stopped and turned to her, too fast for her to react and causing her to bump into his chest. She blushed and she stepped away quickly, her gaze moving to her feet.

"Hold off on the questions, please? I'm going to explain some things, but I can't do it all at once. It'll be easier for both of us if you don't."

Yesol looked up at him and gave him a firm nod, grinning a little guiltily. "Sorry."

Mark chuckled at her response, finding it very cute and endearing. He didn't say anything else as he turned around and continue toward the house, hearing her steps faintly behind him, trying her best to keep up.

When they reach the house, nerves started to flutter in her stomach at the prospect of learning at least a fraction of the truth. She knew he was nervous too, with the way he took a deep breath before opening the front door, holding it for her to pass through first before following suit.

"No one overwhelm her, she doesn't know anything yet."

She furrowed her brows when he spoke, frowning as she looked around the empty room. No one was anywhere to be seen, not even a sound to be heard. She bit her lip as she took in her surroundings. The inside of the house was just as plain as the outside, save for a bit of clutter on the table in the living room, to the right of the foyer they stood in. To the left was a door she could just peek inside enough of to see a kitchen, and beyond on that, a hallway to which the whereabouts were unknown. And before her sat a large staircase, the old age of it clear from the faded stain on the wooden steps.

Her eyes followed the length of each step until she reached the top, her breath catching in her throat when she met the eyes of perhaps one of the most handsome men she had ever seen. His expression was serious, he even looked intimidating, despite his beautiful features. His hair was slicked back lazily behind his ears, silver with just a hint of lavender when the light hit it at a certain angle.

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