Ch. 10 Shot. Murdered. Killed

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~~~Just please keep in mind that I have not yet edited this so I apologize now for any of the mistakes!~~

Ch. 10

Shot. Murdered. Killed.

 “Ty?” I whispered in his ear.

 “Hmm?” He said, half asleep. He was so sexy when he slept.

 “Wake up,” He rolled over, ignoring my request. “Wake up!”

 “What?” He groaned, and sat up.

 “We have to leave, now!” The sense of urgency in my voice alarmed him slightly. Ty nodded his head and got up.

 “Look who just rolled out of bed,” I knew that obnoxious voice. It was Jack’s voice.

 Ty glared at Jack, his fist clenched. “Look what we found in the trash.”

 I laughed, seeing Jack’s face get all red. “Ha, we found you. Shame because I would have settle for an empty soda can or a rotten apple core.”

 “Let’s go!” Stella yelled to us. “And bring the dog too!”

 “She’s referring to you,” I said to Jack.

 Ty scooped me up in his arms, bridal style. I laughed. “Are you sure you feel ok?” I asked, feeling bad that I didn’t ask him before.

 “Yeah, I’m fine,” Ty said, and I could tell that he was being sincere.

 “Where are we going?” Ty whispered into my ear, tickling me.

 “Government,” I murmured and jumped out of his arms.

 I guess we had been walking for longer than I thought, because the thick forest around us got thinner and thinner. Buildings were in the clearing that we were getting closer to.

 We kept walking until we were at the edge of the clearing. “Everyone is dressed, so…differently.” Ty said, looking at all the people rushing around the streets, not even noticing us.

 The people walking were dressed in all colors; from neon to black. Some of the shirts they wore were cut low and they only wore shorts that were really short. Then some people, though, wore prom-like dresses or corset dresses. Others wore long pants or skirts with long sleeve shirts.

 Where we lived, we had to wear uniforms to school. Everyone had to wear one. It was either for work or school, and then your everyday uniform. It was so out of the ordinary to see people freely wearing all different things.

 “We are going to stick out like a sore thumb.” Jack said, not as amazed about the government as I was.

 “Thank you, Sherlock Holmes,” Stella said, aggravated.

 “We need different clothes.” I saw Stella’s face light up, and I knew she had a plan.

 We waited at the edge of the woods until it was dark, and then we snuck into town. Stella chose the house we were going to break into. Yes, you heard me, we are breaking in.

 I tried the door knob, and it didn’t work. I looked around, and found an open window on the first floor. I slipped in quietly going up the stairs.

The lady was in her room, sleeping. She couldn’t have been more than thirty. “I’m sorry,” I whispered, and crept over to the closet, grabbing an outfit for Stella and me.

 I snuck into what I assumed to be her husband’s room, but stopped cold. The man had a rifle propped up on the wall next to his bed. I crept over to the closet, and opened the door, cringing as the door squeaked.

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