"Lesson (not) Learned"

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Request : by @virgoisintobooks
Characters : Akio & Cole
Plot : Akio's ex comes around and tries to get him back.

"Babe" I whined skipping into my boyfriend and i's bedroom. I've been looking for him since breakfast. I missed him already, ugh I'm such a sap now.

"Akio stop yelling in the damn house, you're gonna scare the puppies" Cole's voice echoed from the empty spare room next to our bedroom. Did I forget to mention that he got me puppies ? Well he did.

He got them for me because I was upset with him after he repeatedly got jealous over the littlest things a male would do for me. I could see he was driving himself mad worrying and worrying. "Baby you left me, I felt so alone" I pouted rushing over to hug him. He laughed and caught me as I got on him.

"Sorry Babes I wanted to check on the puppies" . I smiled at him because yes my man is caring and kind.

"Come, my mom wants us to go over there for dinner", Cole looked at me with questioning eyes. You see, Cole and my mom don't like each other at all. My mom thinks Cole is too isn't the right guy for me and Cole thinks my mom needs to mind her business. Which I absolutely agree with.

My mom is too much and is always trying to get Cole and I to break up. "I have to go?" Cole grunted standing back on his two feet.

"Yes you have to go baby, I know you don't like this so I promise we'll be leaving early". I reassured him and he nodded leaning down to peck my lips. "And we can even from Martin and Gina off with will" I smiled picking up the two pups in my hands.

"Alright watch them while I take a shower, I'll drop them off while you take yours because I know it takes forever for you to finish your makeup." Cole said as he exited the room, well he's not lying. I played with the pups as I waited for Cole to finish.

Fast forward to about an hour and a half later, Cole and I were standing outside my moms home with flowers and wine. I rang the doorbell and I swear my heart sank to my ass when I saw who opened the door. It was my ex boyfriend Angelodrew Chang standing there smiling at me ignoring Cole.

I blinked once then swallow the lump in my throats. Cole doesn't know who Angelo is at all, he doesn't know that he was once my boyfriend but knowing Cole he must have sensed that Angelo and I had something before, because of the way I was acting. He wrapped his arms around my waist possessively making me lean back into his chest.

"Angelo ? What are you doing at my moms house" I was a bit skeptical about asking because I didn't want him to out our former relationship.

"Your mom invited me over" I awkwardly nodded, gripping into Cole's middle finger . Angelo is a handsome tall Asian boy. I knew him since I was young because his family was the only people my mom would let me talk to. My mom as always been the over the top, it made me dislike her as I grew up. Even though she's my mom, I tolerate her presence.

"Well lets go in" Angelo side stepped allowing me to walk in. I was ambushed by my mom with kisses and pinches. I hugged her back a bit stiffly, she pulled back and gave Cole a stank look.

"Hello Cole".

"Wassup". I almost laughed at his nonchalant tone and the fact that he wrapped his arms around my waist pecking my neck in the process.

My mother hummed rolling her eyes then turned around to walk away. Angelo followed like a fucking dog making. When they left the room Cole turned me around to make me look at him. "Who is that".

"Angelo is my ex, I don't know what my mom is trying to do" I confessed as I got on my tippy toes and pecked his lips "don't worry about it okay". Cole groaned and I could tell he was annoyed by my mothers antics, quite frankly so was I. "Lets just go sit down, eat and we'll go get the puppies, go home then cuddle all night okay" I pleaded because knowing him, he might make a scene.

I kissed him one last time before holding his hand and walking into the dining room. We saw Angelo and my mom were conversing, lord they are so shady.

We sat down next to each other but sadly Angelo was next to me. Cole placed his hand on my thigh grilling my mom. "So what's going ohh with you sweetie" my mom asked smiling at me and Angelo.

"Well Cole and I have 2 puppies now" Angelo scoffed and so did my mom. Coles grip on my thighs tightened, almost hurting.

"Oh honey, remember when you and Angelo treated his dog like your child. It was absolutely adorable" my moms corny ass said and angelo's stank ass laughed like it was funny.

"Oh I remember, we named her Sarah, we said if we were going to have kids we'll name her Sarah" Angelo laughed and I laughed as well because young me was so dumb. Angelo smirked at me while my mom just cooed. Cole let out a displeasing sound making me look down . "Oh how about the time that my mom wouldn't let you bring me soup when I was sick because she didn't want you getting sick either but you snuck in through my window with your short ass and a thermos around your neck". Angelo giggled placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Fuck" Cole grunted standing up from the dining towable as he rushed out the dining room. I shot a disappointed glance to my mom and Angelo Before I followed him. I saw him standing by the car pacing around with a sad look on his face.

"Hey,hey baby stop that" I rushed over to him, hugging him.

"It was fucking ridiculous in there man, they think we're a fucking joke".

"It doesn't matter what they think baby Angelo's been irrelevant for 8 years and he'll stay that way. And you know how my mom is, lets just leave okay". Cole hugged me, he's so vulnerable to the thought that I might slip away from him,Which I definitely would never.

"Get in the car we need to talk" I said, he pulled away from me and went into the drivers ode and I went into the passengers. "Baby we really need to talk about this jealousy thing. It's way too much and I'm really getting tired of it. I need you to know that I'll never leave you. You're stuck with me forever even if you get tired of me".

Cole groaned loudly. He rubbed his face frustrated "fuck, I'm trying I'm really trying baby believe me I don't ever want to lose you to anybody and the thought of it just hurts man. I went through a lot of shit to get you and I don't ever want that to go to waste". He poured his heart out and I couldn't help but blush. I Leander over to kiss him, he didn't kiss me back and I wasn't bothered with it.

"I promise you I'm not going anywhere, I love you".

"I love you too" he smiled.

"Hold on I'm promising you that next time somebody tries to get with you I'm killing them" I gave him a look making him laugh "but I'm chill though".

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