Ch.1 Indeed

92 9 1

Thursday morning 6:23
|Ross's POV|

I slowly wake up with the bright golden sun hitting my hazel eyes. Shielding my eyes, I notice my head against my tall bedroom door as I sit on the floor with beer bottles surrounding me.

My phone starts to buzz, which makes my hand fly up to my aching head. Holding my head, I grab my phone off the floor and answer.

"Hello," I say as I try to get off the floor.

"Ross, where the hell are you? I got your text, there are about twenty people here who are waiting for your lazy ass!" My manager Edward say angrily through the phone.

"Okay, sorry. I'll try to be there in about fifteen minutes." I say as I head to the kitchen and grab an Advil pill as I pour some water into a glass.

"Ok, hurry up." He hangs up as I start my coffee and head to my closet.

I head inside my closet and grab a grey crew neck with a black leather jacket and jeans. After I slip a pair of socks to go under my black hightop converse and go to brush my teeth, clam my hair down with some gel and wash my face.

I head back to the kitchen and grab a mug to fill it with my strong plain black coffee.

I get my bag and car keys and head out the door.

|The Hidden Secretary|

As I arrive to work with still an aching head I grab my stuff from out of the car and go inside. I sign my card in and go to the elevator.  As the door was about to close a petite slender brunette slides through the closing doors.

She looks at me and nods her head with a bright smile as she smooths out her grey pencil skirt and adjusts her hair.

"Hello," She says again with her bright smile.

"Hi, I haven't seen you around here what do you work as?" I ask  as she looks at the mirror in the elevator  and looks at herself before turning around again.

" I actually don't work here, yet, I'm applying for a job here as a secretary and hopefully get the job."

The elevator soon stops as the doors start to slide open," well, hopefully you get the job. Nice to meet you and good luck Miss?" I ask as she smiles.

"Marano, nice to you too." I watch her leave with her brown wavy hair bounce against her shoulders.

As I walk through the halls I greet the people around until I see one person gathering there stuff together, Alex my old secretary.

He notices me and awkwardly smiles before bowing his head shamefully. All I do is look at him a bit before nodding and continue walking.

As I finally get to my office I set my things down onto my desk as I notice Katy standing at the corner of my office looking out the big windows. I clear my throat out as she slowly turns around noticing my presence.

"Hello Ross."

"Katie, why are you here?"

"I just-I just wanted to clear things out. I never never meant to cheat on you I was just really drunk and-"

"What you did was wrong. Drunk or sober, the thought of sleeping with someone else shouldn't even cross your brain. You said you loved me and you clearly don't-"

"But see that's when your wrong I do love you and I do need you!" She says as she takes a step closer as I take a step back." Ross?" I look straight into her blue eyes to see if there's anything there. Sorrow, sadness, love? But no, I see nothing.

"Look, Katie-" I start to say as someone knocks on the door making me turn around.

It was the girl from the elevator.

"Um, d-did I come at a bad time? I-I can come back-" she says as I look back at Katie and interrupt the girl.

"No, no you didn't. She was just leaving," I say as I pick up her purse from the chair and hand it to her,"bye Katie."

She grabs her purse and head out the door without making eye contact with me.

"Um, I'm sorry about that. Come sit down, and may I see your resumé? And also good morning, I'm Ross Lynch." I say as she shakes my hand as she hands me her resumé.

"Please, do tell me about yourself." I ask flipping through her resumé.

"Well, I'm Laura Marano. I am 26 years old and was born in the north of Nevada and went to University of Nevada in Reno. And took architect there. And I have loved planning, arranging, decorating houses for any event."

"And what are you doing right now?" I ask.

"Well, right now I live in a house with two of my very good friends from college. And for work I have been working in a café called lunars coffee house, which is in downtown. And when I was taking college I would give a tour of an art Museum in Reno, to make a little more money."

"Okay, what got you into architect?" I ask observing her. She was wearing a white blouse with a grey pencil skirt with white heels on and some silver bracelets with very simple but elegant makeup.

"Well, my mom and older brother work in architect and as I was looking at my brother's work it looked like fun. And it runs in my mom's side of the family. But I started getting into it when my brother did it in College."

"Good, well. If there's any opportunities up for this job I will be certain to call you." I say as she stands up and reaches over the desk to shake my hand.

"Great, thank you! Goodbye Mr. Lynch." She says as I wave to her and watch her leave.Twelve other people came after her which were decent, but just weren't the people I was looking for.

When the third person leaves another one comes in."Hey, I'm Gabe Tanner." The boy says walking towards me with a weird scent.

"Um, Hello I'm Ross Lynch. Gabe, can I please have your resumé?" I ask.He nods and looks around curiously.

"What are you looking for?" I ask as he still looks around.

"Um, my resumé, but I-"

"Ok, well. I'll let you know if you get the job. Goodbye Gabe." I say as I lead him to the door.

Yeah, I'm not having my secretary be damn forgetful.

"Hello, I'm Kirstie Walker." The next girl says very sadly.

"Hello Kirstie, can I have your resumé?" I ask.

"Yeah, here you go." She hands me her resumé and sits down.

"Um, okay Kirstie tell me about yourself."

"Well, I just got out of a brake up. And he-he cheated on me with one of my best friends in College! So not only did I lose a-"

"Okay, thank you, I'll let you know if you got the job. I'm sorry about your breakup."

She nods and leaves. And after that I've had enough. I walked to the lobby and saw that there were 5 people left. But I had a job to attend to so I told them to leave because Mr. Lynch found who he was looking for.

He did indeed.


Hey guys!! Hope y'all liked this chapter! I am so so sorry that it took me forever to post but here it is!! Also all the places that Laura talked about her working in are true! Just wanted to let y'all know that I didn't make those specific places up. Hop y;all have a wonderful week!!

Until next time folks! Love ya!💋

~ Goldie🦄

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2018 ⏰

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