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Redactum Skullus: Redactum Skullus is a hex that shrinks the target's head. It is the counter-spell to Engorgio Skullus.

Reducio (Shrinking Charm): Makes an enlarged object smaller. Counter-charm to Engorgio.

Reducto (Reductor Curse): Breaks objects. In stronger usages, disintegrates them.

(Refilling Charm): Refills whatever the caster points at with the drink originally in the container.

(Reparifors): Reverts minor magically-induced ailments, such as paralysis and poisoning.

Relashio (Revulsion Jinx): A spell used to make the subject release what ever it is holding or binding.

Rennervate: revives a stunned person.

Reparifarge: Used to reverse unsuccessful transformations.

Reparo (Mending Charm): Used to repair objects.

Repello Muggletum (Muggle-Repelling Charm): Keeps Muggles away from wizarding places by causing them to remember important meetings they missed and to cause the Muggles in question to forget what they were doing.

Repello Inimicum: Disintegrates the persons entering this charm.

Revelio: Reveals hidden objects.

Rictusempra (Tickling Charm): Causes an extreme tickling sensation that, in the case of Draco Malfoy, made him drop to the floor laughing. In the film, this spell causes the victim to be thrown in cartwheels through the air, rather than tickling them.

Riddikulus: A spell used when fighting a Boggart, "Riddikulus" forces the Boggart to take the appearance of an object the caster is focusing on. Best results can be achieved if the caster is focusing on something humorous, with the desire that laughter will weaken the Boggart.

(Rose Growth): Causes rosebushes grow at an unusually fast pace.

(Rowboat spell): A spell invented by Hagrid which propels row boats to a pre-set destination.

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