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Magicus Extremos: Seen only in the video games, this simply makes all spells more powerful for a limited period of time.

Melofors (Melofors Jinx): Encases the target's head in a pumpkin. Can also be used to turn the target's head into a pumpkin if the caster wishes.

Meteolojinx Recanto: Presumably causes weather effects caused by jinxes to cease.

Mimblewimble (Tongue-Tying Curse): A curse which prevents certain information from being revealed by the individual upon whom the spell is placed. The curse manifests itself by causing the tongue to temporarily curl backwards upon itself.

Mobiliarbus: Levitates and moves an object.

Mobilicorpus: Levitates and moves bodies.

Molly Weasley's Curse: Like the Avada Kedavra curse, it kills (or freezes) the victim. It turns the body grey/blue (or paler) while it turns to stone and then another twin jinx can blast the body into pieces.

Morsmordre (Dark Mark): Conjures the Dark Mark, which is the sign of the Death Eaters.

Muffliato (Muffliato): This spell fills peoples' ears with an unidentifiable buzzing to keep them from hearing nearby conversations.

Multicorfors: Multicorfors is a charm used to change the colour of one's clothing.

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