Chapter 3: Jake

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We stop by at Sofia’s and got some shakes to go. Zach and I sipped our milk shakes as he drove us to the school ground. I was just finishing my last slurp as Zach parked his pick-up truck in the school parking lot. He grabbed his gym bag and jumped out.

”Catch you later.”he called over his shoulder as he jogged to the locker rooms.

I walked to the bleachers and found a spot in the late afternoon sun. I had a good view of the football practice.

Where is he? Where is he? My heart was pounding as I shaded my eyes with my hand and scanned the field. Nothing. And then suddenly I saw a flash of blue uniform, and there he was. The golden boy, the boy of my dreams, standing there in the flesh, Jake Janssen.

Seeing Jake again after a whole year of just staring at his picture sent my blood pressure sky high.  After all he was sizzling hot in his uniform. He was so much more handsome now than he had been the year before. He was a little taller, and although, it was difficult to tell since he was in his padded football uniform, I thought he looked even more muscular. His face was leaner, more grown-up. Even though he was a senior, he was one year older than me and Zach, he looked like a college guy.

I watched as Jake threw some long passes. A few minutes later, Zach wearing his running uniform jogged over to his brother and pointed in my direction.

Stay cool,I told myself. I couldn’t let Jake see the too much enthusiasm in my eyes. It would ruin everything. I reminded myself that I am not the old Dana, desperate for any show of attention from Jake.  The new Dana, is a mysterious, alluring girl that would knock Jake off his feet, if he would only look my way.

Zach was saying something to Jake and then pointed up again to where I was sitting. I gave a little wave. Be patient, I told myself. You’ll get your chance with Jake soon enough.

I didn’t have to wait long. Football practice was over, and Jake run up the bleacher stairs. He pulled off his football helmet and run his fingers through his damp hair.

I took him in. His face with those blue eyes, was flawless. His body was muscular, without a smidgen of fat. And his hair, several days overdue for a cut looks sun-kissed and soft. I would give anything to run my fingers through it.

“This can’t be the Dana I once knew.” Jake said with a smile. “She’s just a baby when she left, and look who came back!”

I felt as though I would melt. But my plan called for keeping it together. “Hi Jake, “ I said, then gave him my mysterious smile.

I could tell he was taking me in subtly. He probably didn’t  want to be rude and look me up and down, as some of the jerks at school did. But I could tell he liked what he saw.

“So tell me about Paris. I’ve always wanted to go but the time’s never been right. Is it really the city of love?”

“More so,” I said giving him another one of my mysterious smile while I told him about my adventures in Paris.

Jake listened attentively, not uttering a word, as if I was the most beautiful, most interesting girl on earth. It was my dream coming true.

“Would you like to go to the movies with me tonight?” he asked me after .

“I’d love to.” I said without hesitation.

My plan was working to perfection. 

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