Why now

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You chose to leave

so why did you come back

after so long of being gone

I was finally letting go 

why now

did you come back to stay

or just to fuck with my head.. again

are you done fucking with me yet?

cause if you're just gonna leave again

then there's the door but,

once it shuts, this time, it will lock

and the key will disappear forever

you will learn that i'm guarded

that is if you choose to stay

i'm not the same girl anymore

I'm anything in the book except

selfish and a fraud but,

i guess i'm a fraud too because

i don't let people see the real me anymore

why do you want back in

when you fought so hard to leave

you don't deserve to see what I've become

i'm proud of what i am 

but why do you want to see that

when it's all in spite of you

why would you come back 

to this if you always wanted to get away

and why now

i learned that you're not gonna stay...

it's just not in your nature

you come and go as you please

you love and leave when things get tough

you don't let ones that you've hurt heal

it's what you do .... you destroy success

why you came back is beyond me

and quite frankly i don't want to know

all i want is for you to leave and never

ever look back, keep going, never turn around

the past is in the past and that's that

it's time for you to move on and forget

everything about what happened

forget me, us, them; just erase it all

we don't need you here

and i certainly don't want you near

you don't belong anywhere around here

whatever you came back for is gone

so after so long.... Why 

why now

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