Chapter Ten

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Your POV

I wake up to see that Amina and Jack weren't next to me I feel a sudden panic I turned to my side to see the time my clock said that it was 6:00 I get out of my bed I look in the bathroom she's just a kid she couldn't have gone that far right I quickly ran into the living room and I let out a side of relief to find her and Jack curled up on the couch sleep the TV was on I took the cereal bowls off the coffee table and went to place them in the sink I looked out the window and saw that the sun was slowly coming up I put on a random sweatshirt that went to my knees and I went on the balcony it was peaceful and quiet I herd the door open and Amina walked up next to me "Good mourning." she yawned "Mourning." I answered back we stood there in a comfortable silence just watching the sunrise until I herd the door opened again I turned around to see Jack "Oh that's were my sweatshirt went." I looked down "Oh no wonder why it was unuasly big on me." he laughed I started takeing it off "Oh know keep it, it actually looks good on you I blush a bit "So miss." Amina spoke up "Oh honey I'm only 26 you can just call me y/n." she noded her head and smiled "W-what are w-you gonna do." I caught that she was gonna say we "I honestly don't know I just moved here yesterday." I laughed she smiled "So I guess were gonna have to figure it out." I look at Jack for some tips on where to go "How about Brighton Pier." I quicaly look it up on my phone and it looks so fun it actualy looks like Navy Pier from the time me and mama went to Chicago

Flash Back

As soon as we pulled up I couldn't contain my excitement when we actually entered the amusement park place I immediately ran straight for the Ferris wheel I was so excited so happy that I couldn't hear my mother calling my name in the background.

End of Flash Back

"y/n!" I snap out of my thoughts and I looked at Jack " Um yeah what." he looked concern "Are you ok." I nodded my head "Yeah why wouldn't I be." "You seamed like you were thinking pretty hard for a minute like you totally blanked on us." he replied "Oh sorry yeah I'm up for a three hour drive if you are." he smiled "Ok well I need coffee or I'm gonna lose my mind and then I'm gonna come back to y apartment and get ready" "K see you then." he went and gave me a hug which for some reason my heart started to flutter he let go and waved before exciting my apartment still shocked I put my hand over my still speeding heart "Is he your first one." Amina spoke up catching me off guard "First what." "Well you know first love or something." "Oh y-you think he's my boyfriend no he is just my....very noisy neighbor." I smile "Riight." she said with obvious sarcasm in her voice "Ok missy its 7:15 what do you wanna do." she shrugged her shoulders "Anything you wanna do  

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