Chapter Five

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(Y/N)'s POV

I walk back to my apartment to see the bouquet of flowers still on the floor


"Im sorry swetie that the cake didnt come out as you wanted it to."

"No mom." I stopped her from going on "I-I love it ." she smiled and gave me a hug just then the front door opened and the smile on her face lessened. I wrestled out of her grip "DADDY!" I yelled running in his arms he picked me up "Guess whose turnning 5!?" "Me!" I laughed he tickled me a bit and put me down. I pulled him to the kitchen to show him my master piece aka the cake that me and mama spent an hour or two on. "What the fuck is this?!" he asked kind of shocked "Its the cake that your DAUGHTER and I have been working on." mama said with a littel anger in her voice he just glared at her "Daddy?" he truns his attention back to me "Did you b-bring back some roses becaues these died." I say while pointing to the dead bouquet of roses that dad got mommy a few weeks back "Oh im sorry pumkin I didnt have time but  I do think I spotted some in the back why dont you go pick some while me and your mother her have a little....CHAT" I slowly nodded my head but turned to my mother for some reassurance she gave me a warm smile before I went out to look for some roses....

                                                                                                                   Flashback over

I wipe away the unwanted tear that rolled down my cheek I picked up the boquet of roses of the floor and placed them in a nearby vace if roses were the symbol of love......

                                                                                                      Then why do they die

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