Chapter 7: Double Date and proposals

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(A/N- monsters already have there rights and there will be no anti monster cult, sans,Chara, Asreil, and Randy live together, back to the story)

(Chara, Randy, Asreil, and sans where hanging out and Randy said)

Randy- hey guys I got an idea

Epic Asreil- what is it handsome

Randy- how about we have a double date

Chara- good idea

Sans- yeah good idea

(Everyone went to there rooms, with Randy he got dress sat down and rememberd something)


Luke- hey handsome

Randy- hey babe

Luke- god you look cute in a tuxedo

Randy- thank you

(Timeskip to the date and Luke said)

Luke-I'll be back handsome

Randy- ok

(Timeskip thrity minutes)

Randy- where is he better go check on him

(Randy walked into the bathroom and saw a site that hurt him, he saw Luke kissing a wemon and he ran out and to his car and Left)

End of Flashback

Randy-(sigh) well, hey azzy are you ready

Epic Asirel- almost

Randy- ok I'll be in the living room if you need me

Epic Asreil-ok

(Randy walked to the living room and saw sans and said)

Randy- hey can I tell you something

Epic sans-  sure

Randy- well before I fell I was dating this guy name Luke, but when me and him was on our 5th date he cheated on me while we were in the date, that's why I'm sceard of going on a date with azzy

Epic sans- oh, and don't worry I know Asreil sense we were kids he won't cheat on you

Randy- ok

(Just then Chara and Asreil came down stairs and Randy said)

Randy- ready

(Timeskip they just ordered there food and Asreil said)

Epic Asreil- ok what were you talking about earlier

Randy-(sigh) my ex

Epic Asreil- who

Randy- well his name is Luke

Epic Asriel- no more ok

Randy- ok

(The food appread and they ate and both Asreil and sans paid the bill and they left and got home and sans and Chara went to there room and so did Asreil and Randy but Asreil had a special plan for Randy, Asreil forced Randy to the bed and said)

Epic Asreil- I'm going to show you a good time

(With sans and Chara)

Chara- I'm glad they found each other

Epic sans- right

(Just then they heard a moan coming from Randy and Asreil's room and sans said)

Epic sans- well it looks like your bro Randy is having a good time, well we better get some sleep

Chara- oh no where having a good time as well

(With Gaster and Toriel and Toriel said)

Epic Toriel- I sense Frisky bissness at there house

Epic Gaster- I now sans is using his magic

Epic Toriel- why is sans using magic

Epic Gaster- Toriel, me and my sons don't have the parts to sexually reproduce, see where I'm getting to

Epic Toriel- yes

Epic Gaster- ok good

Epic Asgore- what are you all talking about

Epic Gaster- how magical skeleton sexually reproduce, using there magic

Epic Asgore- oh that's good, wait a minute

Epic Gaster- finally caught on

Epic Asgore- I'm getting to old for this

Epic Gaster- you and me both

(Back with Randy and he said)

Randy- hey azzy thank you, for showing me a good time, and pls don't tell anyone

Epic Asreil- your welcome, and yes

Randy- well it was my first time

Epic Asreil- it was my frist time to, good night Lv

Randy- good night Azzy

(With sans and Chara)

Epic sans- for two people who it's was there frist Time, and we acted like It wasn't

Epic Chara- well it was fun, but good my midnight skeleton Romeo

Epic Sans- Good night princess

(Time Skip to the morning, Chara woke up to smell of someone cooking she got up and got dressed in some freash close and walked down stairs and said)

Chara- good morning Randy

Randy- good morning Chara

Chara- is breakfast about done

Randy- yes, go wake up those lazy bones pls

Chara- ok

(She went to Asreil and Randy's room and she got Asreil up, she went to her and Sans's room and got sans up when the three of them got to the kitchen, they saw plates and Asreil said)

Epic Asreil- go ahead and eat without us, me and sans will be right back

Chara and Randy- ok

(Asreil and sans went to car, opened the door and garbed the Rings and Asreil asked)

Epic Asreil- do you want to go frist or me

Epic sans- me pls

Epic Asreil- ok

(They walk in Randy and Chara watching TV and they went to the kitchen and ate and then they walked in Asreil grabbed the remote from Randy and turned off the TV and sans asked Chara to stand up and she did sans got down on one knee and  pulled out ring and said)

Epic sans- Chara ever since I meet ya I had feelings for you, and when I told you I had feelings for you, and and felt the same why, so Chara Dreemurr will you marry me

Chara- yes sans yes

(They both sat down and kissed and sans looked At Asirel and he stood up and said)

Epic Asreil- hey Randy you are the only boy that I loved and when I heard about your ex boyfriend cheating on I was foruise I could even punch a hole threw the wall, well what I'm trying to say is Randy will you marry me

Randy- yes Asriel yes

(They both sit down and sans turns on the TV)

(End of chapter, next one is going to be called a unwanted visitor, so yeah bye)

(Epictale sans x Epictale Chara) Skeleton Romeo  Where stories live. Discover now