Chapter 3: the party

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( play the video when ever)(Chara woke up and went to the kitchen and made berkfist and Soon after that sans woke to the smell of eggs, bacon, pancakes and he jumped up and Chara turned and said)

Chara- hungry hero

Epic sans- yap

(Chara made three plates and she told sans the third one was for Papyrus they ate after that chara said)

Chara- I'm thorwing a party I already invited your bother do you want to come

Epic sans- sure

Chara- cool, can you help me invite people on this list

Epic sans- sure

(Timeskip to the party) (Everyone Chara invited was there Chara sat at the kitchen table thinking, sans notice she was all alone, so he walked over sat right next to her and asked)

Epic sans- what's on your mind kiddo

Chara- nothing

Epic sans- ok, do you have music

Chara- yep, this song is called meglo strikes back it's just a theme but I like it

(Everybody heard the music look to see where the music is coming from it was coming from chara's laptop and everyone starts to dance then after that everyone headed home but sans told his bother he was staying at chara's again so he waved by and turned around to see Chara passed out on the couch, so he picked her up bridel style and carried her to her room and layed her down on her bed and layed right next to her and fell asleep)

(The end of this chapter next chapter will be called The Surprise visitor yeah bye)

(Epictale sans x Epictale Chara) Skeleton Romeo  Where stories live. Discover now